Autor: Malte Henkel

Malte Henkel, born in 1960, received his Master»s degree from the University of Bonn in 1984, and his Ph D in 1987, when he also won the annual prize of the Minerva Foundation. From that year onward he has been a long-term visitor in many institutes, including the ITP at Santa Barbara, USA, the SPh T at Saclay, France, and the universities of Oxford, UK, Vienna, Austria, Padova, Italy, and Lisbon, Portugal. In 1995 he was appointed a professor at the University of Nancy I. His current research encompasses equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase transitions, using field-theoretical and numerical methods in general. In particular, his current focus is on dynamical scaling behaviour realised in ageing phenomena far from equilibrium. He has published well over a hundred articles and three monographs, one of which is Volume I of this set.

6 Ebooks de Malte Henkel

Malte Henkel & Michel Pleimling: Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions
“The importance of knowledge consists not only in its direct practical utility but also in the fact the it promotes a widely contemplative habit of mind; on this ground, utility is to be found in muc …
Philippe Christe & Malte Henkel: Introduction to Conformal Invariance and Its Applications to Critical Phenomena
The history of critical phenomena goes back to the year 1869 when Andrews discovered the critical point of carbon dioxide, located at about 31(deg)C and 73 atmospheres pressure. In the neighborhood o …
Malte Henkel & Dragi Karevski: Conformal Invariance: an Introduction to Loops, Interfaces and Stochastic Loewner Evolution
Conformal invariance has been a spectacularly successful tool in advancing our understanding of the two-dimensional phase transitions found in classical systems at equilibrium. This volume sharpens o …
Malte Henkel: Conformal Invariance and Critical Phenomena
Critical phenomena arise in a wide variety of physical systems. Classi- cal examples are the liquid-vapour critical point or the paramagnetic- ferromagnetic transition. Further examples include multi …