The second volume of The Expanding Continuum of Gender-Based Violence: Trauma-Informed Care examines the impact of violence on contemporary populations which may previously have been overlooked. In this volume, special focus is given to the intersectionality of vulnerable groups and the impact of marginalization on assessment and treatment. In an effort to bridge gaps in literature, the text addresses cultural influence and socio-political issues while advising on how to best apply the accrued knowledge when interacting with patients.
Together, with Volume 1, this text intends to do the following:
—Define the problem
—Identify causes and risk factors
—Design interventions
—Disseminate information
—Educate students and future professionals
Tabla de materias
Section I: Interventions/Contemporary Populations
1: Hate Crimes
2: Interpersonal Violence, US Armed Service Members, and Veteran Population
3: Violence and Reproductive Experiences: Preconception, Pregnancy, & Postpartum
4: LGBTQIA+ Mental Health History & Treatment
5: LGBTQIA+ Education and Sports
6: Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence on College Campuses
7: Elder Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence
8: Male Sexual Assault
9: The Influence of Power Inequity on Disordered Eating Behaviors
10: Human Trafficking
11: Interpersonal Violence and Sex Work and Sex Trafficking
12: Consent and Alcohol-Enabled and Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
13: Substance Use: Working with Victims and Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
14: Profiles of Stalking: Understanding Stalkers, Their Targets, and Victims
15: Fatal and Nonfatal Strangulation in IPV Patients
16: Fatal Intimate Partner Violence
17: Law Enforcement and Legal Responses to Interpersonal Violence
Sobre el autor
David Solomon is an associate professor of psychology and the current director of the clinical psychology track of Western Carolina University’s Psychology MA program. He has multiple years of clinical experience working with children impacted by child maltreatment and other traumas through the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center and Community Outreach Program — Esperanza (COPE) in Charleston, South Carolina, the Center for Children, Families, and Communities, and Shelterhouse of Midland and Gladwin Counties in Michigan. David focuses on exposing his students to evidence-based techniques, such as trauma-focused CBT and parent-child interact therapy, and his goal is to extend the reach of such treatments to underserved families.