This book addresses the EU as powerful driver of the wave of privatizations in the network industries and public services since the early 1990s. Based on theoretical arguments and empirical studies it examines the impact of these policies on what is regarded as the normative pillars of the European Social Model.
Tabla de materias
Introduction: Privatisation and the Crisis of Social Europe PART I: PRIVATISATION IN THE EU: PROCESS AND DISCUSSION – AN OVERVIEW Privatisation in Western Europe Privatisation in the Central and East European Countries Finance as Driver of Privatisation Theoretical Approaches to Explaining and Understanding Privatisation The European Social Models: Contours of the Discussion PART II: CASE STUDIES Privatisation in the Industrial Sector Liberalisation in Network Industries Privatisation and Marketisation of Health Care Systems in Europe Privatisation of Education Privatisation of Pensions Bank Liberalisation and Privatisation Privatisation Trajectories in Europe: A Cross – Sector View PART III: PERSPECTIVES The Impact of Privatisation and Liberalisation of Public Services on the European Social Model Elements of a Progressive European Social Model The Role of the Public Sector in a Progressive Construction of Europe Social Actors – Trade Unions and Social Movements
Sobre el autor
MARICA FRANGAKIS is an economist, with a special interest in European affairs. She is a member of the Board of the ‘Nicos Poulantzas Institute’, a non-profit making institution, promoting public debate in a variety of areas. She is also involved with the ATTAC network, while she is an active member of the European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (Euro Memorandum Group).
CHRISTOPH HERMANN is Senior researcher at the Working Life Research Centre (FORBA) in Vienna and co-coordinator of the EC funded research project ‘Privatization of Public Services and the Impact on Quality, Employment and Producitvity’.
JÖRG HUFFSCHMID was professor for Political Economy and Economic Policy at the University of Bremen in Germany. His research interests and publication areas were amongst others European integration and financial markets. He was the scientific coordinator of various EU-wide projects and one of the founders of the Euro Memorandum Group.
KAROLY LORANT spent most of his professional life in the Hungarian National Planning Office, where he dealt with long range forecasts. After the systemic change in Hungary he became a senior economist of the economic research institute named ECOSTAT. Over the past years he has been working as an expert for the European Parliament.