Ulrich Wyrwa ist Professor für Neuere Geschichte an der Universität Potsdam und Projektleiter am Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung an der Technischen Universität Berlin.
6 Ebooks de Marija Vulesica
Fritz Bauer Institut & Ulrich Wyrwa: Einspruch und Abwehr
Die Entstehung des Antisemitismus im 19. Jahrhundert stellte die jüdische Bevölkerung in Europa vor eine gänzlich neue Situation. Sie sah sich neuartigen Formen von Angriffen, Ausgrenzungen und Anfei …
Xavier Bougarel & Hannes Grandits: Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe
This book deals with the Second World War in Southeastern Europe from the perspective of conditions on the ground during the conflict. The focus is on the reshaping of ethnic and religious groups in …
Xavier Bougarel & Hannes Grandits: Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe
This book deals with the Second World War in Southeastern Europe from the perspective of conditions on the ground during the conflict. The focus is on the reshaping of ethnic and religious groups in …
Yfaat Weiss: Jahrbuch des Dubnow-Instituts / Dubnow Institute Yearbook XVI/2017
The 2017 edition of the Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook encompasses two focal points: The first deals with the year 1938, an incisive year for Europe’s Jews, against the background of Jewish experien …
Giorgos Antoniou & Katerina Kralova: Jewish Life in Southeast Europe
This anthology brings together eight chapters which examine the life of Jews in Southeast Europe through political, social and cultural lenses. Even though the Holocaust put an end to many communitie …
Giorgos Antoniou & Katerina Kralova: Jewish Life in Southeast Europe
This anthology brings together eight chapters which examine the life of Jews in Southeast Europe through political, social and cultural lenses. Even though the Holocaust put an end to many communitie …