Every person has seen a tree and maybe planted or climbed one! In all world religions, various trees are considered sacred. Trees have the ability to help us reach wholeness if we learn their wisdom and integrate it into our lives. This abecedarian–a book whose contents are in alphabetical order–explores the spiritual growth that is possible by reflecting on the wisdom of woody plants, which help humans experience the divine. In these pages you can explore trees from Acacia to Zaqqum. For each of the forty entries, the author presents a text identifying the tree, a reflective study, a question for journaling or personal meditation, and a concluding prayer. Some trees you may have heard about, and some may be new to you. The spiritual life is enhanced by the trees that surround and share the earth with us while also disclosing the divine to us.
Sobre el autor
Mark G. Boyer, a well-known spiritual master and retired New Testament professor, has been writing books on biblical, liturgical, and devotional spirituality for over fifty years. He has authored seventy-seven previous books, including two books of history, one novel, and a book of poetry. His work prompts the reader to recognize the divine in everyday life. This is his thirty-seventh Wipf and Stock title.