The relationship between faith and reason is multifaceted. Faith transcends reason in that it is more than reason alone can contain or fully guarantee, yet it is neither unreasonable nor something to which reason is irrelevant–and reason says some pretty fine things about it! This volume updates nine previously published articles on faith and reason by a Christian philosopher who has been studying these matters for two decades, alongside one new essay and a philosophical dialogue. These articles explain and integrate key ideas on faith and reason, including Alvin Plantinga’s account of how Christian belief can be knowledge even without evidence; defenses of faith from Augustine and William James; accounts of empirical evidence for faith from different world religions; the distinction between faith and sight in the New Testament; the structure of the evidence for the authority of the Bible; the idea that faith transcends reason because some articles of faith are beyond human comprehension, even if we have evidence that they are true; and the nature of faith as a total commitment beyond what the evidence alone can guarantee.
Sobre el autor
Mark J. Boone (Ph D, Philosophy, Baylor University) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Hong Kong Baptist University.He is (as of mid-2024) the author of twenty-four published articles and the author or editor of seven books in philosophy and religion. Mark also has a You Tube channel, Teacher Of Philosophy, with hundreds of videos introducing the history of philosophy. (There is also a sister channel on Rumble.)Mark likes things like his wife, Tolkien books, the theory of hylomorphism, and a nice cup of tea.