By introducing current debates in the field of critical thinking
and posing new questions from contributing scholars, Critical
Thinking and Learning examines the received wisdom in the field
of critical thinking and learning.
* Examines the different perspectives in the field of critical
thinking and learning
* Provides insights into critical thinking by posing new
questions from contributing authors
* Introduces cross-cultural viewpoints into the dominant
‘western’-based educational viewpoint
* Highlights differences among a variety of thinkers in the
Tabla de materias
Notes on Contributors v
Preface and acknowledgements
Michael A. Peters ix
1 Critical Thinking and Learning
Mark Mason 1
2 Kinds of Thinking, Styles of Reasoning
Michael A. Peters 12
3 Culture, Cognitive Pluralism and Rationality
Colin W. Evers 25
4 Is There a Geography of Thought for East-West Differences? Why or Why Not?
Ho Mun Chan & Hektor K. T. Yan 44
5 False Dichotomy? ‘Western’ and ‘Confucian’ concepts of scholarship and learning
Janette Ryan & Kam Louie 65
6 Learning, Empowerment and Judgement
Michael Luntley 79
7 Is Popper’s Falsificationist Heuristic a Helpful Resource for Developing Critical Thinking?
Chi-Ming Lam 93
8 Critical Thinking as a Source of Respect for Persons: A critique
Christine Doddington 109
9 Re-conceptualizing Critical Thinking for Moral Education in Culturally Plural Societies
Duck-Joo Kwak 120
Index 131
Sobre el autor
Mark Mason is Associate Professor in Philosophy and
Educational Studies in the Faculty of Education at the University
of Hong Kong, where he is also Director of the Comparative
Education Research Centre (CERC). He is the co-author of a variety
of articles and books in the field, most recently Changing
Education: Leadership, Innovation and Development in a Globalizing
Asia Pacific.