Prof Dr Markus Stock is an Associate Professor of German and Medieval Studies and the Chair of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Toronto. He held invited visiting professorships at the University of Freiburg and Havard University. His research interests include high medieval German epic, romance, and Minnesang, historical narratology, the history of pain as well as medieval and early modern texts on Alexander the Great. He is the principal investigator of a multi-year research project, Spatial Practices in German literature, 1150-1300, funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
8 Ebooks de Markus Stock
Hans-Jochen Schiewer & Stefan Seeber: Schmerz in der Literatur des Mittelalters
Ausgehend vom neuen kulturwissenschaftlichen Interesse am Schmerz und seiner Codiertheit untersuchen die Beiträge dieses Bandes das Phänomen Schmerz in seiner spezifisch literarischen Verfasstheit in …
Matthias Meyer & Alexander Sager: Verstellung und Betrug im Mittelalter und in der mittelalterlichen Literatur
One of the well-known topoi of medieval literature is the high degree of congruity between the outer and inner character of the protagonist. This congruity is also discussed where it does not appear …
Markus Stock: Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, the life story of Alexander the Great was a well-traveled tale. Known in numerous versions, many of them derived from the ancient Greek Alexander Romance, it was told and re-told …
Markus Stock: Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, the life story of Alexander the Great was a well-traveled tale. Known in numerous versions, many of them derived from the ancient Greek Alexander Romance, it was told and re-told …
Klaus Grubmüller & Markus Stock: Frühneuhochdeutsches Glossenwörterbuch. Index zum deutschen Wortgut des ›Vocabularius Ex quo‹
Mit diesem nach normalisierten frühneuhochdeutschen Formen geordneten alphabetischen Index zum deutschen Wortgut wird die sechsbändige Ausgabe des nach lateinischen Lemmata angelegten Vocabularius Ex …
Marian Polhill & Alexander Sager: Diz vliegende bîspel
The volume explores the theme of ambiguity in medieval and early modern literature in essays honoring the life and work of Arthur Groos, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities at Cornell Unive …
Markus Stock: Konrad von Würzburg
Konrad von Würzburg ist der bedeutendste und versatilste deutsche Autor des 13. Jahrhunderts und vielleicht des ganzen Mittelalters. Seine Werke zeichnen sich durch ihre stilistische Qualität, themat …
Markus Stock: Konrad von Würzburg
Konrad von Würzburg was the most significant and versatile German author of the thirteenth century, possibly even the Middle Ages. His works stand out due to their stylistic quality, the diversity of …