Autor: Martha Davis

MATTHEW MCKAY Profesor del Wright Institute en Berkeley, California, Estados Unidos. Es autor y coautor de numerosos títulos, entre los que se encuentran The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, Self-Esteem, Thoughts and Feelings, When Anger Hurts y ACT on Life Not on Anger. McKay obtuvo un doctorado en psicología clínica de la Escuela de Psicología Profesional de California y se especializa en el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de la ansiedad y la depresión. MARTHA DAVIS Fue psicóloga del Departamento de Psiquiatría del Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center en California, Estados Unidos, donde practicó la psicoterapia individual, de parejas y de grupos durante más de 30 años. Es coautora de Thoughts and Feelings y The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook. PATRICK FANNING Es un escritor profesional especializado en salud mental. Ha fundado un grupo de contención para hombres en el norte de California. Es autor y coautor de ocho libros, incluidos Self- Esteem, Thoughts and Feelings, Couple Skills y Mind and Emotions.

25 Ebooks de Martha Davis

Martha Davis: Scientific Papers and Presentations
Electronic publishing and electronic means of text and data presentation have changed enormously since the first edition was first published in 1997. This second edition applies traditional …
Kaaron Joann Davis & Martha Davis: Scientific Papers and Presentations
Electronic publishing and electronic means of text and data presentation have changed enormously since the first edition of this book was published in 1997. The third edition of Scientific Papers and …
Martha Davis: Going Home
It is the bitter-sweet story of the author’s childhood experiences during the German and Russian occupations of Hungary, and of her four trying years as a young student in a hostile Germany. It tells …
Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning: Messages
Matthew Mckay & Matthew Mckay: Mesaje. Ghid practic pentru dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare
Toți cei care vor parcurge acest ghid practic vor comunica mai eficient și vor deveni ascultători mai buni. Volumul de față a ajutat deja mii de cititori să dezvolte relații mai bune cu prietenii şi …