The ability of future industry to create interactive, flexible and always-on connections between design, manufacturing and supply is an ongoing challenge, affecting competitiveness, efficiency and resourcing. The goal of enterprise interoperability (EI) research is therefore to address the effectiveness of solutions that will successfully prepare organizations for the advent and uptake of new technologies.
This volume outlines results and practical concepts from recent and ongoing European research studies in EI, and examines the results of research and discussions cultivated at the I-ESA 2018 conference, “Smart services and business impact of enterprise interoperability”. The conference, designed to encourage collaboration between academic inquiry and real-world industry applications, addressed a number of advanced multidisciplinary topics including Industry 4.0, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Cloud computing, ontology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and enterprise modelling for future “smart” manufacturing.
Readers will find this book to be a source of invaluable knowledge for enterprise architects in a range of industries and organizations.
Tabla de materias
Part 1. Embedded Intelligence
1. Exploiting Embedded Intelligence in Manufacturing Decision Support, Paul Goodall, Heinz Lugo, Richard Sharpe, Kate Van-Lopik, Sarogini Pease, Andrew West and Bob Young.
2.Test of the Industrial Internet of Things: Opening the Black Box, Frank-Walter Jaekel and Jan Torka.
3. Intelligent Decision-support Systems in Supply Chains: Requirements Identification, Eduardo Saiz, Raul Poler and Beatriz Andres.
4. A Total Solution Provider’s Perspective on Embedded Intelligence in Manufacturing Decision-support Systems, Gash Bhullar.
Part 2. Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability
5. Enterprise Interoperability Management and Artifacts, Frank-Walter Jaekel.
6. Challenges for Adaptable Energy-efficient Production Processes, Kay Burow, Marc Allan Redecker, Alena V. Fedotova, Quan Deng, Marco Franke, Zied Ghrairi and Klaus-Dieter Thoben.
7. Interoperability Requirements for Adaptive Production System-of-Systems, Georg Weichhart and Alexander Egyed.
8. Platforms for the Industrial Internet of Things: Enhancing Business Models through Interoperability, David Soto Setzke, Nicolas Scheidl, Tobias Riasanow, Markus Böhm and Helmut Krcmar.
Part 3. Virtual Factory
9. vf-OS Architecture, Danny Pape, Tobias Hinz, Oscar Garcia Perales, Francisco Fraile, José Luis Flores and Oscar J. Rubio.
10. Enablers Framework: Developing Applications Using FIWARE, Pedro Corista, Joao Giao, Joao Sarraipa, Oscar Garcia Perales, Raquel Almeida and Nejib Moalla.
11. vf-OS IO Toolkit, Víctor Anaya, Nejib Moalla, Ludo Stellingwerff, José Luis Flores and Francisco Fraile.
12. Data Management Component for Virtual Factories Systems, Artem A. Nazarenko, Joao Giao, Joao Sarraipa, Oscar J. Saiz, Oscar Garcia Perales and Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves.
13. An Open Environment for Development of Manufacturing Applications on vf-OS, Carlos Coutinho, Luís Lopes, Vítor Viana, Danny Pape, Gerrit Klasen, Bastian von Halem, Oscar Garcia Perales, Ludo Stellingwerff and Andries Stam.
14. A Novel Approach to Software Development in the Microservice Environment of vf-OS, Luís Manteigas Da Cunha, Ludo Stellingwerff and Andries Stam.
Part 4. Standardization
15. Standardization and Innovation: a Multipriority Approach, Eitan Naveh.
16. Why Should Interoperability R&D Work Be Driven by Agile Integration and Message Standards Concerns?, Nenad Ivezic and Boonserm Kulvatunyou.
17. Managing IT Standardization in Government: Towards a Descriptive Reference Model, Dian Balta, Nina-Mareike Harders and Helmut Krcmar.
18. Review: What are the Strategies for and Benefits of Effective IT Standardization in Government?, Dian Balta, Florian Feller and Helmut Krcmar.
19. Licensing Terms for Io T Standard Setting: Do We Need “End-User” or “License for All” Concepts?, Matt Heckman.
Part 5. Industrial Big Data and Platforms
20. Semantic Interoperability for the Io T: Analysis of JSON for Linked Data, João Luiz Rebelo Moreira, Luís Ferreira Pires and Marten van Sinderen.
21. FIWARE for Industry: A Data-driven Reference Architecture, Stefano De Panfilis, Sergio Gusmeroli, Jorge Rodriguez, Ernö Kovacs and Jesús Benedicto.
22. European Big Data Value Association Position Paper on the Smart Manufacturing Industry, Anibal Reñones, Davide Dalle Carbonare and Sergio Gusmeroli.
23. Sm TIP: A Big Data Integration Platform for Synchromodal Transport, Prince M. Singh, Marten van Sinderen and Roel Wieringa.
24. Fault Prediction in Aerospace Product Manufacturing: A Model-based Big Data Analytics Service, Anna Maria Crespino, Carla Di Biccari, Mariangela Lazoi and Marianna Lezzi.
25. A SAREF Extension for Semantic Interoperability in the Industry and Manufacturing Domain, Laura M. Daniele, Matthijs Punter, Christopher Brewster, Raúl García Castro, María Poveda and Alba Fernández.
26. A Building Information Model-centered Big Data Platform to Support Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry, Yvar Bosdriesz, Marten van Sinderen, Maria Iacob and Pieter Verkroost.
27. ISBM: a Data Integration Infrastructure for Io T Applications, Helder Oliveira Gomes Filho, José Gonçalves Pereira Filho and João Luiz Rebelo Moreira.
28. RS4Io T: a Recommender System for Io T, Caio Martins Barbosa, Roberta Lima Gomes, José Gonçalves Pereira Filho and João Luiz Rebelo Moreira.
Part 6. Predictive Maintenance
29. Using Sensor Data for Predictive Maintenance of a Complex Transportation Asset, Bernd Bredehorst, Olaf Peters, Jeroen Versteeg, Markus Neuhaus, Carl Hans and Moritz von Stietencron.
30. The Proa Sense Platform for Predictive Maintenance in the Automotive Lighting Equipment Industry , Alexandros Bousdekis, Babis Magoutas, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas and Primoz Puhar.
31. Predictive Maintenance Framework: Implementation of Local and Cloud Processing for Multi-stage Prediction of CNC Machines’ Health, Panagiotis Aivaliotis, Konstantinos Georgoulias, Raffaele Ricatto and Michele Surico.
32. An Onboard Model-of-signals Approach for Condition Monitoring in Automatic Machines, Matteo Barbieri, Alessandro Bosso, Christian Conficoni, Roberto Diversi, Matteo Sartini and Andrea Tilli.
33. Maintenance Planning Support Tool Based on Condition Monitoring with Semantic Modeling of Systems, Alice Reina, Sang-Je Cho, Gökan May, Eva Coscia, Jacopo Cassina and Dimitris Kiritsis.
34. SERENA: Versatile Plug-and-Play Platform Enabling Remote Predictive Maintenance, Sotirios Makris, Nikolaos Nikolakis, Konstantinos Dimoulas, Apostolos Papavasileiou and Massimo Ippolito.
35. DRIFT: A Data-driven Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis Tool, Davide Zanardi, Manuele Barbieri and Giovanni Uguccioni.
36. Real-time Predictive Maintenance Based on Complex Event Processing, Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Abderrahim Ait-Alla, Marco Franke, Karl Hribernik, Michael Lütjen and Michael Freitag.
37. The Standards as Critical Means of Integration of Advanced Maintenance Approaches to Production Systems, Yves Keraron.
Part 7. Industry 4.0 Qualification
38. Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Technology – Applications, Moritz von Stietencron, Bjørnar Henriksen, Carl Christian Røstad, Karl Hribernik and Klaus-Dieter Thoben.
39. Improving the Efficiency of Industrial Processes with a Plug and Play IOT Data Acquisition Platform, Daniele Mazzei, Gabriele Montelisciani, Giacomo Baldi, Andrea Baù, Matteo Cipriani and Gualtiero Fantoni.
40. Knowledge Transfer from Students to Companies: Understanding Industry 4.0 Maturity Levels, Leonello Trivelli, Simona Pira, Gualtiero Fantoni and Andrea Bonaccorsi.
Part 8. Enterprise Modelling and Simulation
41. Developing an Enterprise Modeling Ontology, David Chen.
42. Model-driven Requirements Elicitation for Manufacturing System Development, Amir Pirayesh, Guy Doumeingts, João Sousa, Carlos Agostinho, Sudeep Ghimire and Cristiano Fertuzinhos.
43. A Comprehensive Architecture to Integrate Modeling and Simulation Solutions in CPPS, Carlos Agostinho, José Ferreira, Sudeep Ghimire, Gregory Zacharewicz, Amir Pirayesh and Guy Doumeingts.
44. Modeling and Simulation of Decision Systems, Raul Poler, Beatriz Andres, Guy Doumeingts and Amir Pirayesh.
Part 9. Methods and Tools for Product-Service Systems
45. Identifying New PSS Concepts: the Product-Service Concept Tree, Giuditta Pezzotta, Fabiana Pirola, Roberto Sala, Antonio Margarito, Paulo Pina and Rui Neves-Silva.
46. Role of Enterprise Strategy in Product-Service System Innovation Process, Amir Pirayesh, Guy Doumeingts, Carl Hans and Maria José Nuñez Ariño.
47. Technological and Organizational Pathways towards 2025 Collaborative Product-Service Connected Factories of the Future, Chris Decubber, Sergio Gusmeroli, Guy Doumeingts, Domenico Rotondi, Fenareti Lampathaki and Luis Usatorre Arazusta.
48. Circular Engineering and Product-Service Systems in the Machine Tool Sector: the PSYMBIOSYS Approach, Nerea Sopelana, Lara Gonzalez, Oscar Lazaro, Andoni Laskurain and Rikardo Minguez .
Part 10. Interoperability for Crisis Management
49. Assessment of Climate Change-related Risks and Vulnerabilities in Cities and Urban Environments, Jingquan Xie, Manfred Bogen, Daniel Lückerath, Erich Rome, Betim Sojeva, Oliver Ullrich and Rainer Worst.
50. Semantic Interoperability of Early Warning Systems: a Systematic Literature Review, João Luiz Rebelo Moreira, Luís Ferreira Pires, Patricia Dockhorn Costa and Marten van Sinderen.
51. Towards Semantic Generation of Geolocalized Models of Risk, Alex Coletti, Antonio De Nicola, Antonio Di Pietro, Maurizio Pollino,
Vittorio Rosato, Giordano Vicoli and Maria Luisa Villani.
52. An Ontology-based Emergency Response System for Interoperability in a Crisis Situation in Smart Cities, Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray and Bernard Archimède.
53. Analyzing Interoperability in a Non-functional Requirements Ecosystem to Support Crisis Management Response, Nicolas Daclin, Behrang Moradi and Vincent Chapurlat.
Part 11. I-ESA 2018 Doctoral Symposium
54. Providing the Flexibility of the Shop Floor to Information Systems for Monitoring Tasks, Alexander Dennert.
55. Shop Floor Management Systems in Case of Increasing Process Variation, Wolf Schliephack.
56. Comprehensive Function Models for the Management of Heterogeneous Industrial Networks as Enabler for Interoperability, Santiago Soler Perez Olaya.
Sobre el autor
Martin Zelm, INTEROP-VLab, Brussels, Belgium.
Frank-Walter Jaekel, Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK), Berlin, Germany.
Guy Doumeingts, INTEROP-VLab, Brussels, Belgium.
Martin Wollschlaeger, Institute of Applied Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.