In a chilling tale that blurs the boundaries between ambition and morality, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein explores the haunting consequences of scientific discovery gone awry. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Victor Frankenstein, a brilliant but reckless scientist, defies the natural order by breathing life into a lifeless assemblage of human remains. What he creates, however, is not the triumph he envisioned, but a sentient being cursed to endure rejection and isolation.
As the monster seeks meaning and vengeance, creator and creation are locked in a tragic dance of destruction and despair. Shelley’s masterpiece confronts profound questions about humanity, responsibility, and the limits of innovation, weaving a gripping narrative that resonates as powerfully today as it did when first published.
Frankenstein is a timeless exploration of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the depths of human emotion-a Gothic classic that continues to captivate and provoke.