Based on the successful format of AO courses, this two-volume reference is a comprehensive manual for the latest AO spine techniques. For each case, the book guides the reader from case presentation, through rationale for surgical treatment, and to non-operative treatment options. The authors describe potential complications in spine surgery and outcomes.
Volume I, Principles and Techniques, begins with a complete review of basic science concepts, helping the reader understand the biomechanics, biology, and the surgical anatomy of the spine. This volume provides a systematic overview of spinal instrumentation, computer-assisted surgery, and anesthesia considerations.
Volume II, Clinical Applications, presents a compilation of clinical cases addressing the most common spinal problems, such as spinal trauma, tumors, infections, inflammatory processes, deformities, degenerative spinal diseases, and metabolic bone disease.
Throughout both volumes, high-quality photographs and drawings illustrate surgical techniques step-by-step and demonstrate key concepts of management. Clear, easy-to-reference bulleted lists and shaded text boxes facilitate rapid review of important learning points. An accompanying DVD-ROM with video clips from live surgery symposia and practical exercises also enhance the reader’s learning experience.
Tabla de materias
<p><strong>Volume 1</strong><br>1 Preface—AO Education and Teaching Concept<br>2 Introduction—AO Principles Applied to the Spine<br>3 History of Spine Surgery Within AO<br>4 Biomechanics of the Spine<br>5 Biology of the Spine<br>6 Surgical Anatomy of the Spine<br>7 Spinal Instrumentation<br>8 Computer-Assisted Surgery<br>9 Anesthesia for Spine Surgery<br><strong>Volume 2</strong><br>1 Spinal Trauma<br>2 Spinal Tumors<br>3 Infections of the Spine<br>4 Inflammatory Processes<br>5 Deformities of the Spine<br>6 Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis, and Spondyloptosis<br>7 Degenerative Spinal Diseases<br>8 Metabolic Bone Disease of the Spine—Osteoporosis<br>9 Complications in Spine Surgery<br>10 Documentation, Evaluation, and Outcome in Spine Surgery</p>
Sobre el autor
Max Aebi, Vincent Arlet, John K. Webb