Autor: Melissa Marie Murphy

I was incredibly hesitant to believe in an omniscient, supernatural God. I picked apart the Bible with every question I could, asking why I should believe in silly stories like Noah»s Ark and people resurrecting from the dead. By the time I»d read through Matthew, Genesis, Exodus, and the story of King David, only one conclusion came to me… This book is the greatest book I»d ever read. Like much of the world»s entertainment, it was fueled with tragedy and triumph. I wasn»t as concerned with God»s wrath but littered throughout the entire book I saw human imperfection. Time and time again people made mistake after mistake, but in the end, God gave Jesus to atone for every single mistake.God»s mercy became this big, beautiful opportunity–a light in a very dark place.Suddenly, all of my mistakes didn»t matter. I learned about repentance in that it»s not just a quick, «I»m sorry…» and then I continue to make the same mistake without worry. Repentance, being birthed in conviction, became a, «I don»t want to be this person anymore…» and it drove me to become what Christians call, «a new creation.» But this was just the beginning of my walk, and as it turns out, this cycle of learning, growing, making a mistake, feeling convicted, falling into repentance, and learning again… It»s nearly never-ending.Looking back on my childhood, as alone as I believed I was, God was always whispering to me. My life has changed drastically and there»s no going back. I»ve been a missionary who lived on faith alone, traveled the world, experienced God on many levels, and changed from Atheist to radical for the love of Jesus.All I desire is that others may see the God I see. Even amid my storms, I am filled with hope. I look back on my life and realize life is truly so much easier, regardless of the trials I come across because I have a God to trust and rely on. He is faithful and has never let me fall too hard that I couldn»t get back up. Everything in my life is a testimony and can be used to shed light on just how good of a God He is.Today, not one of my gifts goes unused. Everything I have ever been good at has become something of value to help others. So, I»m doing everything I do because I never thought I could; never believed I was valuable and worthy enough. I»m doing this because He tells me I am His, and as His, I hope to spread His heart wherever He calls me to. Romans 12:1-2 is what I live for, «Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God»s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God»s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.»

1 Ebooks de Melissa Marie Murphy

Melissa Marie Montes: Authentic Love
This Bible Study is designed to help support you in your journey of growing closer to God by digging deeper into His heart and love for us. It is my deepest desire that every individual who encounter …