The first volume of the POSA pattern series introduced a
broad-spectrum of general-purpose patterns in software design and
architecture. The second narrowed the focus to fundamental
patterns for building sophisticated concurrent and networked
software systems and applications. This volume uses design patterns
to present techniques for implementing effective resource
management in a system.
The patterns are covered in detail making use of several
examples providing directions to the readers on how to
implement the presented patterns. Additionally, the volume presents
a thorough introduction into resource management and a case study
where the patterns are applied to the domain of mobile radio
networks. The patterns are grouped by different areas of resource
management and hence address the complete lifecycle of resources:
resource acquisition, coordination and release.
Tabla de materias
Foreword by Frank Buschmann.
Foreword by Steve Vinoski.
About This Book.
About The Authors.
Intended Audience.
Structure of the Book.
Guide to the Reader.
About The Authors.
1. Introduction.
1.1 Overview of Resource Management.
1.2 Scope of Resource Management.
1.3 Usage of Patterns.
1.4 Patterns in Resource Management.
1.5 Related Work.
1.6 Pattern Form.
2. Resource Acquisition.
Lazy Acquisition.
Eager Acquisition.
Partial Acquisition.
3. Resource Lifecycle.
Resource Lifecycle Manager.
4. Resource Release.
5. Guidelines for Applying Resource Management.
6. Case Study: Ad Hoc Networking.
6.1 Overview.
6.2 Motivation.
6.3 Solution.
7. Case Study: Mobile Network.
7.1 Overview.
7.2 Motivation.
7.3 Solution.
8. The Past, Present, and Future of Patterns.
8.1 The Past Four Years at a Glance.
8.2 Where Patterns are Now.
8.3 Where Will Patterns Go Tomorrow?
8.4 A Brief Note about the Future of Patterns.
9. Concluding Remarks.
Referenced Patterns.
Index of Patterns.
Sobre el autor
Michael Kircher and Prashant Jain have been active in the patterns community for several years and collaborated closely with the authors of the previous POSA volumes. In their respective companies, Siemens and IBM, both Michael and Prashant are involved in research and consulting in emerging technologies and software architecture.