This hands-on survey introduces students to the diverse fields that
comprise cultural studies, from visual culture to popular music and
new media. It can be used as a standalone text or is the perfect
companion volume to Ryan’s Cultural Studies: An Anthology.
* Provides a comprehensive overview of the field, from
cyberculture and digital media to fashion and new formulations of
gender identity
* Includes student exercises and activities for each chapter
* Teaches cultural analysis through practical examples and
* Gives students across disciplines the tools to become
practitioners of Cultural Studies and active cultural
* The perfect companion volume to Ryan’s Cultural Studies
Anthology (2008)
Tabla de materias
Preface viii
Acknowledgments xiii
1. Policy and Industry 1
2. Place, Space, and Geography 12
3. Gender and Sexuality 26
4. Ideologies 40
5. Rhetoric 53
6. Ethnicity 71
7. Identity, Lifestyle, and Subculture 83
8. Consumer Culture and Fashion Studies 94
9. Music 105
10. Media Studies 122
11. Visual Culture 136
12. Audience, Performance, and Celebrity 150
13. Bodies and Things 161
14. Transnationality, Globalization, and Postcoloniality 170
Index 180
Sobre el autor
Michael Ryan is Professor of Film and Media Arts at Temple University. His books include An Introduction to Film Analysis, Marxism and Deconstruction, Politics and Culture, Camera Politica, Cultural Studies; An Anthology, and Literary Theory: A Practical Introduction.