What would you rather believe, who people say you are or who God says you are?
People are being attacked verbally more and more each day, and it is changing the way they feel about themselves or others in a negative way. My hope is that I can help change that by getting people to stop believing who people say they are and start believing who God says they are. That was a big reason why I wrote Yes You Are!: Thoughts and Scriptures to Speak Over Yourself and Others. I hope it blesses you as you read it as much as it blessed me to write it.
Sobre el autor
During much of my life, I have suffered from emotional abuse, either being bullied as a child or in relationships that I have been in. As time went on, I began to wonder if what people were saying to me was true. In the past couple of years, God began speaking to me and told me that I was made in His image and reminded me of what Psalm 139:13-14 says. He constantly reminds me that He was pleased when He created me and always will be.