Dr. Miguel Rapela is an agricultural engineer specializing in genetics and plant breeding and holds a Ph.D. in Forestry and Agricultural Sciences from the National University of La Plata, Argentina, with a focus on intellectual property and regulatory matters. He is Executive Director of Research and Consulting at the Austral University Intellectual Property Centre, and a Professor and a member of the Academic Committee for the MSc course in Intellectual Property at the same University. He is also Head of Technology Transfer for the Genomic Platform, UBATEC SA and member of the Technical Committee of the Argentine Seed Commission (CONASE).
He has been President of the Faculty of Agronomy Foundation (National University of Buenos Aires), a member of the Argentine Advisory Commission on Agricultural Biotechnology (CONABIA), Executive Director of the Argentine Seed Association (ASA) and of the Argentine Association of Plant Breeders (Ar POV), and Chairman of the Intellectual Property Committees of the International Seed Federation (ISF) and of the Seed Association of the Americas (SAA). He has published more than 120 technical papers and five books on intellectual property and regulatory matters, and has developed several new plant varieties registered at the Argentine National Seed Institute (INASE).
5 Ebooks de Miguel Angel Rapela
Miguel Angel Rapela: Fostering Innovation for Agriculture 4.0
The scientific and technical development of any kind of germplasm is regulated by a vast network of treaties, conventions, international agreements, and national and regional legislation. These regul …
Miguel Ángel Rapela & Andrés Sánchez Herrero: Propiedad intelectual en mejoramiento vegetal y biotecnología – Volumen I
El contenido del volumen 1 abarca una introducción general a la importancia del derecho del obtentor, una introducción a conceptos biotecnológicos, las Actas de UPOV de 1978 y 1991, los distintos sis …
Miguel Ángel Rapela & Andrés Sánchez Herrero: Propiedad intelectual en mejoramiento vegetal y biotecnología – Volumen II
El contenido del Volumen 2 abarca la protección de invenciones biotecnológicas mediante patentes, coexistencia entre derecho de obtentor y patentes, superposiciones y vacíos de protección, regímenes …
Miguel Ángel Rapela: Nube negra
Nube negra emerge de las sombras de la historia, entrelazando realidad y ficción para desafiar nuestra visión del pasado y reimaginar el futuro. En esta cautivadora novela ucrónica, Miguel Rapela nos …
Miguel Ángel Rapela: UPOV 1991
En un mundo donde la innovación y la protección de la creación intelectual son pilares fundamentales para el avance y la sostenibilidad, llega un libro que se adentra en el corazón de uno de los deba …