Autor: Miguel Naranjo-Toro

Andrea Basantes-Andrade is a student in the Doctoral Program Education in the Knowledge Society at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain); she holds master’s degree in Technologies for Management and Teaching Practice at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and master’s degree in Distance Education – E-learning at the Caribbean International University, Willemstad-Curaçao; she is a Computer Systems Engineer; she also holds higher diploma in Research; master»s program in Technology and Educational Innovation Coordinator at the Postgraduate Institute at the Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN). She is Deputy Director of the Virtual Education Project at the UTN; Teacher-Researcher in the UTN Higher Education System; Expert in virtual education, digital media, web administration e-commerce; and active member of The International Tutors Association. Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ciudadela Universitaria, Av. 17 de Julio, Barrio El Olivo, 100105, Ecuador - [email protected] Miguel Naranjo-Toro is Doctor in Sciences and Arts; he holds master’s degree in University Teaching and Educational Research, higher diploma in Research, and graduate degree in Education Sciences, Specialisation Philosophy, and Socio-Economic Sciences. He is Teacher-Researcher at the Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN). He has been Rector at the UTN and currently serves as Academic Vice Chancellor. Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ciudadela Universitaria, Av. 17 de Julio, Barrio El Olivo, 100105, Ecuador - [email protected] Marcelo Zambrano V. obtained the degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer in 2001 and master’s degree in Business Management (MBA) in 2009, both at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Quito-Ecuador). His doctorate in Telecommunications was carried out within the Distributed Real-Time Systems and Applications Research Group of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), and his research focused on the Command and Control Systems applied to Emergency Management (2018). He has more than 15 years of experience in university teaching and more than 20 years leading projects and technology areas in different companies in Ecuador. Since 2018, he works as Teacher-Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering in Applied Sciences/Telecommunications Engineering Career at the Universidad Técnica del Norte (Ibarra, Ecuador). Miguel Botto-Tobar received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems Engineering at Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador, in 2010. He then received an M.Sc. degree in Software Engineering, Formal Methods, and Information Systems at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, in 2014. Currently, he is doing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He joined the Department of Mathematics and Physic Sciences at the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, as Assistant Professor in 2016. He is a recipient of the “Convocatoria Abierta” Scholarships (2011–2013) of the Ecuadorian government. He is the Editor of the books “Technology Trends” and Co-Editor “Information and Communication Technologies of Ecuador (TIC.EC)” all published by Springer, Switzerland. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Science and Research, and the Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning Journal. His current research areas include Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, Model-Driven Development, and Human Aspects. Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands,  [email protected], and University of Guayaquil, Ecuador,  [email protected]

1 Ebooks de Miguel Naranjo-Toro

Andrea Basantes-Andrade & Miguel Naranjo-Toro: Technology, Sustainability and Educational Innovation (TSIE)
This book presents the proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Society: Technology, Sustainability and Educational Innovation (TSIE 2019). The conference, which was held at UTN in Ibarra …