In this book leading social scientists from many countries analyze the extent to which we are seeing a globalization of culture. Is a unified world culture emerging? And if so, how does this relate to existing cultural divisions and to the autonomy of the nation state? Differing explanations are offered for trends towards global unification and their relation to an economic world-system. Will the intensification of global contact produce increasing tolerance of other cultures? Or will an integrating culture produce sharper reactions in the form of fundamentalist and nationalist movements?
The contributors explore the emergence of `third cultures′, such as international law, the financial markets and media conglomerates, as elements which transcend the boundaries of the nation state. As well as examining the extent, causation and consequences of global homogenization, the authors consider its implication for the social sciences.
Global Culture was published simultaneously as Volume 7, issues 2-3 of Theory, Culture & Society.
Tabla de materias
Global Culture(s) – Mike Featherstone
An Introduction
Mapping the Global Condition – Roland Robertson
Culture as the Ideological Background of the Modern World-System – Immanuel Wallerstein
Culture and the World-System – Roy Boyne
Culture as the World-System – Immanuel Wallerstein
A Reply to Roy Boyne
Turning World-Systems Theory on its Head – Alberg Bergesen
Models of the Modern World-System – Peter Worsley
Theory, Culture and Post-Industrial Society – Margaret Archer
The Idea of Revolution – Alain Touraine
Modernity and Ambivalence – Zygmunt Bauman
Towards a Global Culture? – Anthony D Smith
The Dream of a Secular Ecumene – Friedrich H Tenbruck
The Meaning and Limits of Policies of Development
Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity – Johann Arnason
Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture – Ulf Hannerz
Conflicts of Culture in Cross-Border Legal Relations – Volkmar Gessner and Angelike Schade
A Research Topic in the Sociology of Law
The Big Bang and the Law – Yves Dezalay
The Internationalization and Restructuration of the Legal Field
Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy – Arjun Appadurai
Being in the World – Jonathan Friedman
Globalization and Localization
AIDS as a Globalizing Panic – John O′Neill
The Two Faces of Sociology – Bryan S Turner
Global or National?
Norbert Elias′s Theory of Humanity as a Very Long-Term Social Process – Stephen Mennell
Privatization and the Public Influence of Religion in Global Society – Peter Beyer
Architecture, Capital and the Globalization of Culture – Anthony King