Dr. Miriam Adelman is Professor of Sociology at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (Curitiba, Brazil) where she has taught since 1992. Much of her professional career has been devoted to the implementation and development of gender studies at that institution, where she co-founded the “Gender Studies (Research) Nucleus and has worked, together with colleagues, in developing a curriculum in the social sciences and humanities that incorporates a gender lens. She is the author of numerous articles and book chapters on themes such as feminist theory and contemporary sociology and gendered bodies and subjectivities, including several articles on women in equestrian sports, a subject which she has been researching for more than 10 years (Cf. ADELMAN, M. “Women who ride: Constructing Identities and Corporealities Equestrian Sports in Brazil”. In: Grenier-Torres, Chrystelle. L’ identité genre au coeur des transformations: Du corps sexué au corps genré. Paris : L’ Harmattan. 2010; ADELMAN, M. e MORAES, F.A. “Breaking their way in: Women Jockeys at the Racetrack in Brazil”. In: SEGAL, Marcia and DEMOS, Vasilikie. Advanced Studies in Gender Research. No. 12 Bingley (UK) Emerald.2008) . In 2009, she published the book, A voz e a escuta: encontros e desencontros entre a teoria feminista e a sociologia contemporânea [The voice and the listener: feminist theory and contemporary sociology] (São Paulo: Editora Blucher) She is co-editor and contributor to a volume on gender and film, Mulheres, homens, olhares e cenas [Women, men, gazes and scenes] (Curitiba: Editora da UFPR, 2011).
6 Ebooks de Miriam Adelman
Miriam Adelman & Kirrilly Thompson: Equestrian Cultures in Global and Local Contexts
This edited volume demonstrates the broader socio-cultural context for individual human-horse relations and equestrian practices by documenting the international value of equines; socially, culturall …
Miriam Adelman & Jorge Knijnik: Gender and Equestrian Sport
This volume brings together studies from various disciplines of the social sciences and humanities ( anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, history and literary theory) that shed light on the equ …
Marta F. Topel: Sacred and the Impure in Judaism
The Sacred and the Impure in Judaism examines the radicalization of certain Orthodox Jewish groups through the lens of kashrut, or Jewish dietary laws. Mata F. Topel begins with a historical look at …
Marta F. Topel: Sacred and the Impure in Judaism
The Sacred and the Impure in Judaism examines the radicalization of certain Orthodox Jewish groups through the lens of kashrut, or Jewish dietary laws. Mata F. Topel begins with a historical look at …
Mridul Bordoloi & Shruti Das: Ecological Interconnections
Ecological Interconnections: Critical Readings on Ethics, Sustainability and Interspecies Communication in Literature and Culture argues that literature and cultural studies are vital tools for under …
Miriam Adelman: Found In Translation
In the heart of words, Found in Translation, in the sweetness of languages: Miriam Adelman here in poetry – her love for the world in the calm of Saturdays, the splendor of the high-speed moment on a …