Amir Freimann was born (1958) in a kibbutz and grew up in a small village in Israel. At the age of 17 he became deeply interested in spiritual-existential questions about the nature of consciousness, freedom, self and the Whole. He served in the Israeli army and became a pacifist after participating in the 1982 Lebanon War. He then studied medicine but at the end of the 5th year of his studies decided to devote his life to spiritual awakening. He spent 2 years meditating in a Zen monastery in Japan and over 20 years doing intense spiritual practice and engaged in philosophical-spiritual exploration in the community of Enlighten Next in the USA. In 2009 he left the community and moved back to Israel. Shortly thereafter he began interviewing prominent spiritual teachers and their students which lead to the publication of Spiritual Transmission, which is his first book.
9 Ebooks de Mooji
Amir Freimann: Spiritual Transmission
The term “spiritual transmission” refers to the passing of the state of enlightenment from teacher to student, which takes place in many spiritual traditions. In itself, the transmission is synonymou …
Mooji: Weiter als Himmel, größer als Raum
Mit seinem großen Herzen und seiner tiefgründigen Weisheit berührt der bekannte spirituelle Meister Mooji Tausende von Menschen. Sein Inspirations-Buch zur inneren Befreiung’ enthält die Essenz all s …
Mooji: Einladung in die Freiheit
Der bekannte spirituelle Meister Mooji lädt uns zu einer geführten Meditation und zur Innenschau ein, die das Potenzial hat, uns in die direkte Erfahrung unseres wahren Selbst zu bringen. Von Mooji s …
Mooji: Un invito alla libertà
‘Un Invito alla Libertà’ di Mooji, insegnante spirituale ed esperto in liberazione e trascendenza dalla sofferenza, è un libro unico nel suo genere.Ti permette di raggiungere la chiave per il vero ri …