Visionary essays from a founder of the modern ecology movement.
Tabla de materias
The Power to Create, The Power to Destroy
Toward an Ecological Society
An open letter to the Ecological Movement
Energy, “Ecotechnocracy” and Ecology
The Concept of Ecotechnologies and Ecocommunities
Self-Management and the New Technology
The Myth of City Planning
Toward a Vision of the Urban Future
Marxism as Bourgeois Sociology
On Neo-Marxism, Bureaucracy, and the Body Politic
On Spontaneity and Organisation
Conclusion: Utopianism and Futurism
Appendix: Andre Gorz Rides Again — or Politics as Environmentalism
Sobre el autor
Dan Chodorkoff is a writer and educator who co-founded The Institute for Social Ecology with Murray Bookchin. He received his Ph D in cultural anthropology from the New School for Social Research, and he is the author of numerous books, including The Anthropology of Utopia: Essays on Social Ecology and Community Development and the 2022 novel Sugaring Down. He received a Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant for anthropological research, and in 2015 was awarded the Goddard College Presidential Award for Activism.