Explores the social and political developments that have energized movements of global feminism
Increasingly feminists around the world have successfully campaigned for recognition of women’s full personhood and empowerment. Global Feminism explores the social and political developments that have energized this movement. Drawn from an international group of scholars and activists, the authors of these original essays assess both the opportunities that transnationalism has created and the tensions it has inadvertently fostered. By focusing on both the local and global struggles of today’s feminist activists this important volume reveals much about women’s changing rights, treatment and impact in the global world.
Contributors: Melinda Adams, Aida Bagic, Yakin Ertürk, Myra Marx Ferree, Amy G. Mazur, Dorothy E. Mc Bride, Hilkka Pietilä, Tetyana Pudrovska, Margaret Snyder, Sarah Swider, Aili Mari Tripp, Nira Yuval-Davis.
Sobre el autor
Aili Mari Tripp is Professor of Political Science and Gender & Women’s Studies and Director of the Center for Research on Gender and Women at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.