This collection of papers describes the various innovative techniques and approaches for synthesis and processing of novel ceramics, glass, and composite materials and their fabrication in various forms, shapes, and complex structures. Special emphasis is given to state-of-the-art methods such as reaction bonding, microwave, CVD, CVI, electrophoresis, sol-gel, plasma, combustion, and more.
Proceedings of the symposium held at the 104th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 28-May1, 2002 in Missouri; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 135.
Tabla de materias
Preface ix
Microwave Processing
Sintering Wear Parts with Microwave Heating 3
M.L. Fall, WJ.’Walker Jr, H.S. Shulman, and LA Wolfe
Sintering Uniformity and Reproducibility with 2.45 GHz
Microwaves in an Industrial Sized Chamber 13
H.S. Shulman, M. Fall, ‘WJ.’Walker Jr, TA.Treado, S.J. Evans, M.
Marks, and M.L Tracy
A Novel Approach to Understanding Microwave Heating of Zirconia
M. Moellen H.S. Shulman, and H. Giesche
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films by Microwave Plasma
CVD 39
R. Ramamurti.V. Shanov, and R.N. Singh
Microwave Drill for Ceramics 51
E. Jerby.V. Dikhtyar; and O. Aktushev
Combustion Synthesis
Analysis of the Formation of FGM Structures via Combustion
Synthesis: Modeling Studies 61
E.M. Heian and Z.A. Munir
In-situ Formation of Porous Articles by Combustion Synthesis
B. Liebig.T Kern and J.A. Puszynski
Reaction Forming
Fabrication of Mullite-Zirconia Composites by Reaction Sintering
of Zircon, Alumina, and Zirconia Dopant Mixtures 85
E. Rocha, E. Refugio, and J. Garcia
Sol-Gel Synthesis
Sol-Gello Process for Synthesis of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet
A.W. Apblett
Sol-Gel Coated Hi-Nicalon Fibers for Reinforced Ceramic Matrix
Composites 105
S. Parol a, M.Verdenelli, J.-R Scharff, H.Vincent, and J.
Preparation of Quartz Crucible via Gel-Casting Process 115
J.Y Ding, C.K.Yin, S.W.Yung, and S.Y Lee
Plasma Processing
Effect of Powder Characteristics on Phase Transformation in
Plasma Sprayed Alumina-13 Wt% Titania Coatings 127
S. Balasubramanian, R.K. Sadangi, B.H. Kean V. Shukla, and G.
Electrophoretic Assembly of Micron Scale Silica Particles
R.J. Kershner and M.J. Cima
Polymer Processing
High-Performance Boron Nitride Fibers from
Polyalkyl-Aminoborazines 153
R Miele, B.Toury, S. Bernard, D. Cornu, and J. Bouix
Chemical Processing
Aluminum Carbonate as an Alumina Precursor 167
C.A. Contreras, E. Ramos, S. Sugita, and J. Serrato
Supercritical Method
Supercritical Extraction of Binder and Plasticizer with Carbon
Dioxide and Ethylene from Ba Ti03 Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors
S.J. Lombardo and R.V. Shende
Functionally Graded Materials
Three-Dimensional Printing (3DP(TM)) of Gradient-Index (GRIN)
Lenses 191
H.-R Wang, M.J. Cima, and E.M. Sachs
Confocal Raman Imaging of (Uncoated/Coated) HPZ Fibers
Reinforcing Celsian Matrix Composites, Before and After Alkaline
Corrosion 205
R Colomban, A. Attar; G. Gouadec, and N.R Bansal
Synthesis and Characterization of AI203-Ti C Composite Powders
from Carbon Coated Precursors 217
H. Kaga, K.B. Newman, and R. Koc
Porous Ceramics
New Developments in Nanometric Porous Mullite, Spinel, and
Aluminas 227
L. Mazerolles, D. Michel, T. di Costanzo, and J.LVignes
Surface Modification
High Density Infrared Surface Treatment of Ceramics 239
TN.Tiegs, J.O Kiggans, F.C. Montgomery, C.A. Blue, and
Characterization of Ceramic Micro Tubular Membranes 249
A.Jena, K. Gupta, R Sarkan and H. Rho
Index 261
Sobre el autor
Narottam P. Bansal, Ph D, is Senior Research Scientist at the NASA Glenn Research Center, where he has conducted research on glasses, ceramics, and composites since 1985. In addition to publishing more than 230 papers, Dr. Bansal holds seven patents and is the author or editor of five books and 32 conference proceedings.
J. P. Singh is the editor of Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites VI, published by Wiley.