Autor: Natalie Depraz

Natalie Depraz is Professor of Philosophy, Rouen Normandy University and University Member at the Husserl Archives, ENS-CNRS, Paris. She works in phenomenology, psychology, Christianity and Buddhism, and its articulations with cognitive sciences and psychiatry and is involved in developing first person methodologies as crossed with third person experimental analysis in the general framework of microphenomenology. Book publications include for example Attention et vigilance. A la croisée de la phénoménologie et des sciences cognitives (PUF, Epiméthée, 2014, am. Transl. with Northwestern in prep.),  On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing (with P. Vermersch & F. J. Varela) (Benjamins Press, 2003),  Lucidité du corps. De l’empirisme transcendantal en phénoménologie (Kluwer, 2001), Transcendance et incarnation. L’altérité à soi comme intersubjectivité chez E. Husserl (Vrin, 1995). She is Editor-in-Chief,  Alter: Revue de Phénoménologie, Paris and co-edited Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2001-2006). Anthony Steinbock is Professor of Philosophy and Interim Chair, Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Director, Phenomenology Research Center. He works in the areas of phenomenology, social ontology, aesthetics, and religious philosophy. Book publications include, It’s Not about the Gift: From Givenness to Loving (Rowman & Littlefield Int., 2018), Limit-Phenomena and Phenomenology in Husserl (Rowman & Littlefield Int., 2017),  Moral Emotions: Reclaiming the Evidence of the Heart (Northwestern, 2014; 2015 Symposium Book Award),  Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience (Indiana, 2007/2009; 2009 Edward Goodwin Ballard Book Prize in Phenomenology),  Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl (Northwestern, 1995). He is the translator of Edmund Husserl,  Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis:  Lectures on Transcendental Logic (Kluwer, 2001). He serves as Editor-in-Chief,  Continental Philosophy Review, and as General Editor, Northwestern University Press “SPEP” Series.

9 Ebooks de Natalie Depraz

Scott Davidson: Companion to Ricoeur’s Freedom and Nature
Paul Ricoeur’s first book, Freedom and Nature, introduces many themes that resurface in various ways throughout his later work, but its significance has been mostly overlooked in the field of Ricoeur …
Natalie Depraz & Anthony J. Steinbock: Surprise: An Emotion?
This volume offers perspectives on the theme of surprise crossing philosophical, phenomenological, scientific, psycho-physiology, psychiatric, and linguistic boundaries. The main question it examines …
Vincent Garcin & Sylvie Tordjman: Les équipes mobiles auprès des adolescents en difficulté
‘Les adolescents en difficulté psychologique (dépression et tentatives de suicide, déscolarisation, conduites d»agression répétées) constituent un problème important de société et de santé publique. …
Zdravko Radman: Hand, an Organ of the Mind
Theoretical and empirical accounts of the interconnectedness between the manual and the mental suggest that the hand can be understood as a cognitive instrument. Cartesian-inspired dualism enforces a …
Luz Ascarate & Quentin Gailhac: Generative Worlds
Generative Worlds. New Phenomenological Perspectives on Space and Time accounts for the phenomenological concept of generativity. In doing so, this book brings together several recent phenomenologica …
Natalie Depraz: La surprise à l»épreuve des langues
Parole coupée, bouche bée, yeux grands ouverts, sourcils levés… Plutôt que langagière, l’expression de la surprise serait d’abord le fait du corps. On se propose dans cet ouvrage d’interroger de ma …
Natalie Depraz: Phénoménologie des émotions
Un sujet peu exploré dans la phénoménologie husserlienne est encore à ce jour le champ des émotions, longtemps minoré. Or la publication du volume des Husserliana « Sentiment et valeur » montre que l …
Natalie Depraz: Francisco Varela
Francisco Varela a contribue de maniere significative au developpement du champ des sciences cognitives en proposant, des les annees 1970, avec son professeur Humberto Maturana, la formulation de sa …