This thorough writing enables the curious seeker to pin down a truly progressive path in perhaps one of the oldest forms of spiritual and magical awareness. To initiates and those in the know, ‘the old religion’ gives a name to this path. More commonly, the old religion is called Wicca. In this book, you’ll find the means to realise your position as a natural born magician. This book encourages the reader to become aware of the symbolic meanings associated with witches tools like the pentacle. Once the reader understands what the pentacle represents, they can enter into the world of creating energetic influences, or magic.
This book gives a solid, straightforward grounding into what the Old Gods mean, working with the elemental forces, casting magical circles, practising Sabbat ceremonies and much more.
The author, Nigel Cox, is a practising witch who brings his knowledge of witchcraft and the old religion into an easy to read and straightforward way, encouraging those interested in this pagan path to move confidently into it, and if the reader chooses, initiate as a witch and develop a meaningful relationship with the old gods, witchcraft and the old religion.
Tabla de materias
Section 1: An introduction to The Old Religion:
Are witches real?
Is Witchcraft the same as Black Magic?
What do witches believe/celebrate?
Is The Old Religion the same as Wicca?
The Goddess and God, what are they?
Names of the Goddess and God
Why He is The Horned God
The phases of the Goddess and God
Is The Old Religion a fertility cult?
Is it a religion solely for women?
What is a witch?
Introducing The Sabbats and the wheel of the year
Energy changes
The Underworld and the Tree of Life
Why we celebrate The Sabbats
Light and Dark of the year (in the northern hemisphere)
The Oak King and the Holly King – symbols of The God
Esbats and the lunar phases – The Goddess in her three forms
The White Goddess and The Black Goddess
Thoughts on The Goddess and God
The Pentagram
The Elemental Powers
How the Elemental Powers can be used in ceremony and magic
The Pentacle and The Gods
Prayer to The Gods
Section 2: Creating ceremonies
Creating ceremonies for The Sabbats
Preparing oneself – washing/bathing
Skyclad or Robed?
Clearing the space
Making the four points sacred
Visualisation – an introduction
The Magic Circle
Casting a circle (taking inside all you need)
Inviting in the Gods and Guardians
A little humility
Opening your ceremony
Carrying out the ceremony
Leaving the circle during ceremony
Toasting The Gods
Hail and Farewell
Closing the ceremony and the circle
Grounding and sealing the energy in oneself after ceremony
Deosil and Widdershins
Is the circle always necessary?
Prayer to The Gods
Section 3: Writing seasonal ceremonies
Instruction in how to write a seasonal ceremony
Seasonal ceremony example
Prayer to The Gods
Section 4: Witchcraft
What is magic/witchcraft?
Definition of magic
Why they are called spells
Do spells have to rhyme?
Is magic divine?
Is witchcraft/magic evil?
Why practise magic?
Who we are working with
How magic works
Intention and energy
Raising the energy
Visualisation (making your mark for change)
By season
By lunar phase
Is magic restricted to seasonal or lunar phases?
Rules of magic
Banishing spells
I command thee
When should we use magic?
Will magic hurt anyone?
Prayer to The Gods
Section 5: The Altar
What the altar is for
Making an altar
Altar cloth
Candles and holders
Bowls (Cauldron)
Book of Shadows
Laying the altar
Consecrating your tools
Storing your tools
Prayer to The Gods
Section 6: Making Magic
Abundance Spell
Environmental Spells
Prayer to The Gods
Section 7: Becoming a witch
How will you know that you want to become a witch?
When can you become a witch?
What does it mean to be a witch?
What benefits will you gain from being a witch?
What is likely to happen after initiation?
What if you later decide that Wicca is not right for you?
How do you become a witch?
Self initiation rite preparations
Self initiation rite
Final Note