Autor: Nishan Havandjian

Sanjay Asthana is Professor of Media and Communication at the Middle Tennessee State University, USA. His research has appeared in the Journal of Communication Inquiry, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Media, Culture,  and Society, International Journal of Cultural Studies, and in several other journals and books. He is the author of Innovative Practices of Youth Participation in Media (2006), Youth Media Imaginaries from Around the World (2012), and co-author of Media Information Literacy: Policy and Strategy Guidelines, a report published by UNESCO in 2013. Nishan Havandjian is Associate Professor in the Department of Mass Communication at Qatar University.

1 Ebooks de Nishan Havandjian

Sanjay Asthana & Nishan Havandjian: Palestinian Youth Media and the Pedagogies of Estrangement
Through an investigation on how Palestinian youth appropriate low-end information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital media forms, Sanjay Asthana and Nishan Havandjian analyze how certa …