Joseph F. Eska is Professor of Language Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA. His work focuses upon language change in the Celtic languages. He particularly works within the theoretical frameworks of Laryngeal Realism and Syntactic Cartography.
Olav Hackstein is Professor and Chair in Historical and Indo-European Linguistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. His research interests focus on the historical morphology and syntax of the ancient Indo-European languages.
Ronald I. Kim is Associate Professor in the Department of Older Germanic Languages of the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. His research focuses on phonological and morphological change in the Indo-European languages, primarily Balto-Slavic, Iranian, Armenian, and Tocharian, as well as dialectology and language contact.
Jean-François Mondon is Professor of World Languages who teaches both classical and modern Indo-European Languages at Minot State University, USA. His research is split between the writing of pedagogical material for ancient Indo-European languages and the application of the theoretical framework of Distributed Morphology to primarily Celtic language data.
3 Ebooks de Olav Hackstein
Olav Hackstein: Apposition and Nominal Classification in Indo-European and Beyond
Vorliegende Monographie untersucht appositionelle Kollokationen in älteren indogermanischen Sprachen. Seit Eduard Schwyzers 1947 erschienener Abhandlung „Zur Apposition“ (Berlin: Akademie-Verl.) stan …
Jens E. Braarvig & Markham J. Geller: Multilingualism and History of Knowledge, Volume II
Das Tocharische, ein erst im letzten Jahrhundert entdeckter Hauptsprachzweig der indogermanischen Sprachfamilie, dessen Sprecher am Rande der Seidenstraße im zentralasiatischen Tarim-Becken lebten un …
Joseph F. Eska & Olav Hackstein: The Method Works
This volume contains an introductory essay, the bibliography of Professor Ringe, and nineteen articles on various aspects of historical linguistics composed by current and former colleagues and stude …