PETER H. SAND, formerly legal adviser for the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank, is a lecturer in International Environmental Law at the University of Munich, Germany. His earlier publications include
Lessons Learned in Global Environmental Governance (1990),
Transnational Environmental Law (1997), and over a hundred articles in international legal journals and collections. He has been visiting professor at Duke Law School and at the universities of Paris, Geneva, Addis Ababa, and Helsinki; and he served on the UN Security Council»s Compensation Commission for environmental claims arising from the 1991 Gulf War.
2 Ebooks de P. Sand
P. Sand: United States and Britain in Diego Garcia
Diego Garcia is a pivotal US base for all Middle East operations. This book describes its evolution from a secret US-UK bilateral deal in 1966 and the deportation of the native population in the 70s …
H. Meyer & P. Sand: Strömungsversuche und Widerstandsmessungen an Eisenbahnwaggonformen zur Verminderung des Querwiderstandes
Der Zugwiderstand fahrender Eisenbahnzüge setzt sich aus dem Reibungs widerstand des Fahrwerks und dem Luftwiderstand zusammen. Über den Rei bungswiderstand des Fahrwerks und auch über den Luftwide …