Media and Communication traces the historical development of media and communication studies in the 20th century.
Paddy Scannell explores how the field formed and developed in both North America and in Europe, expertly introducing and explaining a host of essential media thinkers, ideas and concepts along the way.
Including a new chapter on media events, this second edition of a classic text provides a comprehensive yet personal – and always accessible – analysis of media and communication theory and history. It is an invaluable resource for students across media and communication studies, cultural studies, and sociology.
Tabla de materias
Part I The masses
1. Mass communication: Lazarsfeld, Adorno, Merton, USA, 1930s and 1940s
2. Mass culture: Horkheimer, Adorno, Brecht, Benjamin, Germany/USA, 1930s and 1940s
3. The end of the masses: Merton, Lazarsfeld, Riesman, Katz, USA, 1940s and 1950s
Part II Everyday life
4. Culture and communication: Leavis, Hoggart, Williams, England, 1930s–1950s
5. Communication and technology: Innis, Mc Luhan, Canada, 1950s–1960s
6. Communication as interaction: Goffman and Garfinkel, USA, 1950s–1970s
Part III Communicative rationality and irrationality
7. Communication and language: Austin, Grice, Sacks, Levinson, UK/USA, 1950s–1970s
8. Communication as ideology: Hall, UK, 1960s and 1970s
9. Communication and Publicness: Habermas, Germany (USA/UK), 1950s–1990s
10. Communication and celebration, Dayan (France) and Katz (Israel), 1990s
Afterword (2020)
Sobre el autor
Paddy Scannell worked for many years at the University of Westminster (London) where he and his colleagues established, in 1975, the first undergraduate degree program in Media Studies in the UK. He is a founding editor of Media, Culture and Society which began publication in 1979 and is now issued six times yearly. He is the author of A Social History of British Broadcasting, 1922-1939 which he wrote with David Cardiff, editor of Broadcast Talk and author of Radio, Television and Modern Life. He is currently working on a trilogy. The first volume, Media and Communication, was published in June 2007. Professor Scannell is now working on the second volume, Television and the Meaning of ′Live.′ The third volume, Love and Communication, is in preparation. His research interests include broadcasting history and historiography, the analysis of talk, the phenomenology of communication and culture and communication in Africa.