Nursing History Review, an annual peer-reviewed publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing , is a showcase for the most significant current research on nursing history. Regular sections include scholarly articles, over a dozen book reviews of the best publications on nursing and health care history that have appeared in the past year, and a section abstracting new doctoral dissertations on nursing history. Historians, researchers, and individuals fascinated with the rich field of nursing will find this an important resource.
Tabla de materias
Editorís Notes,
Patricia DíAntonio
ìA Real Toneî: Professionalizing Nursing in Nineteenth-Century London, Carol Helmstadter Midwifery and the Construction of an Image in Nineteenth-Century Brazil, Maria Lucia Mott Science and Ritual: The Hospital as Medical and Sacred Space, 1865-1920, Barbra Mann Wall Nuns and GUNS: Holy War at Georgetown, 1903-1947, Alma S. Woolley ìTrained Brains are Better Than Trained Musclesî: Scientific Management and Canadian Nurses, 1910-1939, Cynthia Toman From Weakling to Fighter: Changing the Image of Premature Infants, Elizabeth A. Reedy The Nadir of Nursing: Nurse-Perpetrators of the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp, Susan Benedict Mennonite Nurses in World War II: Maintaining the Thread of Pacifism in Nursing, Ann Graber Hershberger Sparks to Wildfires: The Emergence and Impact of Nurse Practitioner Education at Virginia Commonwealth University, 1947-1991, Rita A. Seeger Jablonski Review Essay
Review Essay: Reality and Representation in Reproductive Technologies
- Bodies of Technology: Womenís Involvement With Reproductive Medicine, edited by Ann Rudinow Saetnan, Nelly Oudshoorn and Marta Kirejczyk
- Cyborg Babies: From Techno-Sex to Techno-Tots, edited by Robbie Davis-Floyd and Joseph Dumit
- Playing Dolly: Technocultural Formations, Fantasies, and Fictions of Assisted Reproduction, edited by E. Ann Kaplan and Susan Squiet; Reviewer: Margarete Sandelowski
Book Reviews
Making the Body Beautiful: A Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery, Sander L. Gilman; Reviewer: Brigid Lusk The Peopleís Doctors: Samuel Thomson and the American Botanical Movement, 1790-1860, John S. Haller, Jr.; Reviewer: Karol K. Weaver Spreading Germs: Disease Theories and Medical Practice in Britain, 1865-1900, Michael Worboys; Reviewer: Helen Sweet The Rise of Caring Power: Elizabeth Fry and Josephine Butler in Britain and the Netherlands, Annemieke van Drenth and Francisca de Haan; Reviewer: Geertje Boschma Out of the Dead House: Nineteenth-Century Women Physicians and the Writing of Medicine, Susan Wells; Reviewer: Mary P. Tarbox Say Little, Do Much: Nurses, Nuns, and Hospitals in the Nineteenth-Century, Sioban Nelson; Reviewer: Linda E. Sabin A Social History of Wet Nursing in America: From Breast to Bottle, Janet Golden; Reviewer: Barbara M. Brodie No Place Like Home: A History of Nursing and Home Care in the United States, Karen Buhler-Wilkerson; Reviewer: Diane Hamilton Bodies and Souls: Politics and Professionalization of Nursing in France 1880-1922, Katrin Schultheiss; Reviewer: Sioban Nelson It Took Courage, Compassion, and Curiosity: Recollections and Writings of Leaders in Cancer Nursing: 1890-1970, Judith Bon Johnson, Susan B. Baird, and Laura J. Hilderley; Reviewer: Shirley M. Gullo Mr. Jeffersonís Nurses: University of Virginia School of Nursing, 1901-1001, Barbara M. Brodie; Reviewer: Marilyn E. Flood As We See Ourselves: Jewish Women in Nursing, Evelyn Rose Benson; Reviewer: Barbara L. Brush Sisters in Sorrow: Voices of Care in the Holocast, Roger A. Ritvo and Diane M. Plotkin; Reviewer: Ellen Ben-Sefer Cadet Nurse Stories: The Call For and Responses of Women During World War II, Thelma M. Robinson and Paulie M. Perry; Reviewer: Signe S. Cooper Breaking the Glass Ceiling ñ The Stories of Three Caribbean Nurses, Jocelyn Hezekiah; Reviewer: Eleanor K. Herrmann New Dissertations ‘