Autor: Paul Hazard

Paul Hazard (1878–1944) was an eminent French historian of ideas and a pioneering scholar of comparative literature. After teaching at the University of Lyon and the Sorbonne, he was appointed to the chair of comparative literature at the Collège de France in 1925 and in 1940 was elected to the French Academy. From 1932 on Hazard also taught at regular intervals at Columbia University, and he was in New York when the Nazis occupied France in 1941. He immediately returned to France to assume the rectorship of the University of Paris but was rejected for the position by the Nazis. Hazard»s reputation rests on two major works of intellectual history: The Crisis of the European Mind, from 1935, and its sequel, European Thought in the Eighteenth Century: From Montesquieu to Lessing, published posthumously in 1946.James Lewis May (b. 1873) was a British critic and translator, best known as a translator and biographer of Anatole France. His 1928 translation of Madame Bovary for The Bodley Headwas for many years the standard edition. In addition to translating The Crisis of the European Mind, May translated its sequel, European Thought in the Eighteenth Century.Anthony Grafton is Henry Putnam University Professor of History and the Humanities at Princeton University. His most recent book is The Culture of Correction in RenaissanceEurope.

3 Ebooks de Paul Hazard

Paul Hazard: La crise de la conscience européenne
 « Quel contraste ! quel brusque passage ! La hiérarchie, la discipline, l’ordre que l’autorité se charge d’assurer, les dogmes qui règlent fermement la vie : voilà ce qu’aim …
Paul Hazard: La pensée européenne au XVIIIe siècle
 « Il n’est guère de chapitre de cet ouvrage qui ne soulève des problèmes de conscience ; il n’en est guère qui n’enregistre des vibrations qui se sont prolongées jusqu’à nous. Non pas …
Paul Hazard: Crisis of the European Mind