Rabbit and Hedgehog don’t know when their birthdays are so they decide to have them tomorrow just in case. But what should they give each other as a present? Both come up with the perfect solution- but not for the reasons they first thought of. The birthday is such a success that they agree to have another very soon. This enchanting look at that most exciting of celebrations, a birthday, has the added dimension of trying to please your best friend.
Sobre el autor
Chris Riddell is an acclaimed artist of children’s books and a political cartoonist for the Observer. Amongst other titles, Chris illustrates the Ottoline young fiction series and the Goth Girl series, as well as working closely with Paul Stewart on the Edge Chronicles and Wyrmeweald. Children’s Laureate from 2015-2017, he has won many awards for his work, including the Nestlé Gold Award, the UNESCO Award for Something Else and the rare honour of three Kate Greenaway Medals.