Peggy Warren has accomplished one of fictions most delicate high-wire acts: writing in the voice of a child, for adults. The innocence of childhood is
deftly evoked in a bold girls search for the hardest kind of gift for her father, peace and quiet and a changed life to boot. A gallery of fascinating
characters each offers some truth in young Zoeys journey and, by books end, we understand that, without even realizing it, our lives have changed too.
Burt Rashbaum, author Becoming an American and Tears For My Mother
Peggy Warren has created a tender, heart-warming, poignant book for the young reader, as well as a light-hearted, entertaining read for any agewith an
empowering message for parents to evaluate the precious moments with their family.
Alexandra Delis-Abrams Phd, author of Attitudes, Beliefs and Choices
The journey into the soul of this book begins with a child searching for the perfect gift to give to her father. We soon discover that this is the yearning
of the child in each of us: to give the perfect gift to ourselves, and to others. How shall we give what we value most, not just once, but moment by
moment? Its a treasure worth sharing!
Alexia Parks, author of Hardwired 10 Traits, Chairman
How quickly the pages turn in Peggy Warrens Gathering Peace. The author is a gifted writer who strikes a fine balance between the naivet and the
incredible wisdom of a little girl. This lovely book will linger on in your heart long after it has been placed back on the shelf.
Rome Lester, Marriage & Family Therapist, Georgia Tech Counseling Center
Sobre el autor
Peggy Warren, is a true believer in the promise of the human spirit. My spirit guides me. All I have to do is listenpay attention, she beams as she
talks about creating Gathering Peace, as well as her other books, featured on
She lives in Colorado with her husband, Ted, Toby the beagle, and Smoky the cat. They have three grown children.