A short mystery about veteran private eye Malcolm Fine, one of the colorful side characters featured in the novel The Murderous Haircut of the Mayor of Bel Air.
Set almost a month before the events of that book, here Malcolm faces his greatest challenge yet: trying to appear as a legitimate private investigator to fulfill a legal, taxable obligation.
He considers bailing on the PI game entirely, but gets pulled back in by an old colleague who offers what sounds like a simple stakeout job. Few things go simply in Malcolm’s world, and he’s pushed to the brink of giving up the life entirely. Maybe he’s not cut out for this kind of work.
(This also contains a teaser ‘clip’ from the full novel, The Murderous Haircut of the Mayor of Bel Air, the first in the Psychic Barber Mystery series, and a fun amateur sleuth story that’s one part ‘The Long Goodbye, ‘ dabs of ‘Blanche on the Lam’ and ‘Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie’ with just a little X-Men mixed in, too.)
Sobre el autor
Phillip Mottaz grew up in Illinois’ smallest city and graduated from Knox College before studying improv and sketch comedy in Chicago. Since moving to Los Angeles, he has written for You Tube stars, film, television, music magazines and for fun. He has also produced multiple podcasts including the comedy show Superpunk Radio and the music tribute show Ramones of the Day. His first mystery, ‘The Murderous Haircut of the Mayor of Bel-Air’ has gotten great reader reviews, and his follow-up, ‘The Homicidal Hairstyle of the Viral Video Vixen, ‘ is certain to entertain as well. He lives with his wife and son in the San Fernando Valley. Follow his blog at phillipmottaz.com, or email at [email protected]