Davies explores and questions the central business challenges of a world in transition. Having shifted from a unipolar world dominated by the USA to a new untested multi-polar environment, we must continue to learn about the economic landscape that will in fluctation for the next decade.
Tabla de materias
Introduction Is this the End of History? What does a World in Transition Look Like? Will the Emerging Economies be the New Engine of Growth? Is the World Entering a New Low Growth Era? What is the Future of Consumerism? Is there a Future for the Services-based Economy? New Politics – will the Past Return? Glimpses into the Future Watching the Waves Break
Sobre el autor
ROBERT DAVIES is a visionary strategic advisor supporting business leaders and their organizations in the fields of foresight, strategy and change. He is a Senior Visiting Fellow at Cass Business School, London, with expertise in international relations, innovation and change management. He has the talent to help business leaders unravel the implications of an unprecedented shift
in the balance of global power and influence. He earned his Ph D at Cass examining how leaders turned mature organizations into innovative operations during the recession of the early 1990s. Dr Davies also teaches the MBA and MA programmes at Cass Business School and City University. He enjoys working with managers and staff at all levels in organizations, particularly the business leaders of tomorrow. He has the ability to turn complex academic research and thought into tools and techniques that can be readily applied by both his clients and students.