This is the only survey of the US public health system to combine the perspectives of academicians and public health professionals. Replete with illuminating case studies, the text describes basic public health activities and services including the organization of our public health system, administrative and management concerns, financing, use of technology, and workforce and reform issues.
The text explores and analyzes those aspects of the public health system that have successfully achieved their goals and those that have not. It addresses careers in public health and the educational requirements and skills needed to attain them, including new accreditation and certification programs. New public health initiatives are discussed including evidence-based practices, along with such critical issues as health disparities, emergency preparedness, and health care technology. The text covers the cost, financing, and outcomes of the US public health system and includes extensive references, statistics, and tables from current health reports (i.e. the CDC Healthy People 2010 objectives and IOM Report Future of Public Health).
Key Features:- Provides a comprehensive overview of the US public health system for public health, nursing, medical, and pharmacology students
- Combines the academic and practical experience of leaders in public health
- Includes plentiful case studies offering real-world examples
- Reflects the latest public health certification requirements and standards including the CHP exam
- Addresses critical issues such as health disparities, emergency preparedness, health care technology, and evidence-based practice
Tabla de materias
1. Introduction and Overview
The Promise of Public Health
Prevention: The Cornerstone of Public Health
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention
Secondary and Tertiary Prevention and Public Health
The Practice of Public Health
How Do We Define Health?
The Determinants of Health
Physical Environment
Social Environment
Genetic Inheritance
Health Behavior
Health Care as a Determinant of Health
Relationship Between the Determinants of Health
Ecological Models and Public Health Practice
Health Promotion and the Ecological Models in Public Health Since 1960
PRECEDE-PROCEED and Health Promotion
Why Health Promotion?
Criticisms of Health Promotion
Population Health and Reemphasis of the Social
Environment in Public Health Models
Health Impact Pyramid
The Prospects for Public Health
2. Origins of Public Health 49
Classification of Health Problems
Life During the Industrial Revolution
Living Conditions
Factory Life
Child Labor
Health Problems of the Times
Modern Public Health is Born
Public Outcry
Public Response to Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Public Response to Injuries and Noninfectious Diseases
Success of Public Health Measures
3. Organization and Financing of Public Health
Organization of Public Health System
10 Essential Services
Federal Public Health
Department of Health and Human Services: Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Infectious Diseases
Noninfectious Diseases and Injuries
National Center for Health Statistics
Other Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Offices and Centers
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Health Resources and Services Administration
Food and Drug Administration
National Institutes of Health
Indian Health Service
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Other Department of Health and Human Services
Other Federal Agencies
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Department of Labor
Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense
State Public Health
Organization and Governance
Services and Activities
Surveillance and Epidemiology
Environmental Health
Maternal and Child Health
Emergency Preparedness
Regulation, Inspection, and Licensing
Personal Health Care
Relationship to 10 Essential Health Services
Local Public Health
Organization and Governance
Services and Activities
Surveillance and Epidemiology
Primary Prevention
Maternal and Child Health
Emergency Preparedness
Personal Health Care
Funding Public Health
Source of Local Public Health Funding
Amount Expended on Local Public Health
Other Funding Consideration
4. Infectious Disease Control
Pandemic and Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza
Clinical Manifestations
Planning and Preparedness
Perinatal Hepatitis B
Public Health Management: Case of New York State
Foodborne Disease
Signs and Symptoms of Foodborne Illness
Treating Foodborne Illness
Selected Common Bacterial Foodborne Illnesses
Prevention of Foodborne Disease
Rising Public Health Risk of Unvaccinated Children
Measles: A Case Study
Immunization Successes
Investigation of A Disease Outbreak or Epidemic
Verify Diagnosis
Establish Existence of Outbreak
Characterize Distribution of Cases by Person, Place, and Time
Develop and Test Hypothesis
Institute Control Measures
Two Investigations of Salmonella Outbreaks
5. Injuries and Noninfectious Diseases
Motor Vehicle Injuries
Surveillance and Research
Child Passenger Safety
Teen Drivers
Child Passenger Safety
Teen Drivers
Childhood Obesity
Surveillance and Research
Improving Access to Medical Care
6. Public Health System Performance
Accountability and Evidence-Based Public Health
Population Level Outcomes
Sources of Evidence-Based Public Health
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
Association of State and Territorial Health Official
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Cochrane Collaboration
E-Roadmap to Evidence-Based Public Health Practice
National Association of County and City Health Officials
New York State Department of Health
Public Health System Improvement
Accreditation and Credentialing
Council on Education for Public Health
Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals Project
National Board of Public Health Examiners
Public Health Accreditation Board
Report Card Initiatives
Healthy People
State Report Cards
America’s Health Rankings
Effectiveness and Equity of Public Health System
Life Expectancy and Age-Adjusted Mortality
Quality of Life-Adjusted Measure
Infant, Neonatal, and Maternal Mortality
7. Public Health: Promise and Prospects
Has Public Health Lived Up to Its Ideal?
What are the Barriers to Public Health in Meeting Its Mission?
Global Health Threats and Public Health in the United States
Challenges for Public Health
‘Sobre el autor
David Graham, MD, MPH, is the former Director of Public Health of Suffolk County and Chief Deputy Health Commissioner of Suffolk Country.