Key Thinkers on Cities provides an engaging introduction to the dynamic intellectual field of urban studies. It profiles the work of 40 innovative thinkers who represent the broad reach of contemporary urban scholarship and whose ideas have shaped the way cities around the world are understood, researched, debated and acted upon. Providing a synoptic overview that spans a wide range of academic and professional disciplines, theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, the entry for each key thinker comprises:
- A succinct introduction and overview
- Intellectual biography and research focus
- An explication of key ideas
- Contributions to urban studies
The book offers a fresh look at well-known thinkers who have been foundational to urban scholarship, including Jane Jacobs, Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and David Harvey. It also incorporates those who have helped to bring a concern for cities to more widespread audiences, such as Jan Gehl, Mike Davis and Enrique Peñalosa. Notably, the book also includes a range of thinkers who have more recently begun to shape the study of cities through engagements with art, architecture, computer modelling, ethnography, public health, post-colonial theory and more.
With an introduction that provides a mapping of the current transdisciplinary field, and individual entries by those currently involved in cutting edge urban research in the Global North and South, this book promises to be an essential text for anyone interested in the study of cities and urban life. It will be of use to those in the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, sociology and urban planning.
Tabla de materias
Introduction: How to think about cities – Regan Koch and Alan Latham
01 Janet Abu-Lughod – Joseph Heathcott
02 Ash Amin – Junjia Ye
03 Elijah Anderson – Michael De Land
04 Michael Batty – Helen Couclelis
05 Brian Berry – Elvin Wyly
06 M. Christine Boyer – Agustín Cócola Gant
07 Neil Brenner – Tauri Tuvikene
08 Teresa Caldeira – Sonia Roitman
09 Manuel Castells – Phil Hubbard
10 Jason Corburn – Andrew Barnfield
11 Mike Davis – Melanie Lombard
12 Bent Flyvbjerg – Martijn Duineveld, Kristof Van Assche and Raoul Beunen
13 Matthew Gandy – Andrew Karvonen
14 Néstor García Canclini – Angela Giglia
15 Jan Gehl – Annie Matan
16 Edward Glaeser – Jurgen Essletzbichler
17 Stephen Graham – Kurt Iveson
18 David Harvey – Louis Moreno
19 Dolores Hayden – Leslie Kern
20 Jane Jacobs – Oli Mould
21 Jane M. Jacobs – Ryan Centner
22 Natalie Jeremijenko – Clemens Driessen
23 Rem Koolhaas – Davide Ponzini
24 Henri Lefebvre – David Pinder
25 Kevin Lynch – Quentin Stevens
26 William J. Mitchell – David Beer
27 Harvey Molotch – Eugene Mc Cann
28 Enrique Peñalosa – Juan Pablo Galvis
29 Jennifer Robinson – Rajyashree Reddy
30 Ananya Roy – Hanna Hilbrandt
31 Saskia Sassen – Michele Acuto
32 Richard Sennett – Alan Latham
33 Karen C. Seto – Michail Fragkias
34 Abdumaliq Simone – Colin Mc Farlane
35 Neil Smith – Tom Slater
36 Michael Storper – Alan Latham
37 Mariana Valverde – Regan Koch
38 Loïc Wacquant – Tom Slater
39 Fulong Wu – I-Chun Catherine Chang
40 Sharon Zukin – Mark Jayne
Sobre el autor
Alan Latham is a Professor of Human Geography at University College London. His research focuses on sociality, social infrastructure, and the public life of cities more generally. He has undertaken research in Germany, America, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Sweden on cities as diverse as Auckland, London, New York, Eugene (OR), Malmo, Berlin, and Champaign-Urbana. Before moving to UCL he held academic positions at the University of Southampton, and the University of Auckland.