Autor: Richard Beamish

Richard Beamish is Senior Scientist in the Salmon and Freshwater Ecosystems division at the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Simon Jones is a Research Scientist in Aquatic Animal Health at the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.

4 Ebooks de Richard Beamish

Simon Jones & Richard Beamish: Salmon Lice
The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis is adapted to survive in hostile marine environments of the northern hemisphere, including an ability to parasitize several species of salmon. Salmonids are s …
Richard Beamish & Alexei Orlov: Jawless Fishes of the World
Hagfishes and lampreys, both examples of jawless fishes, are elongated, eel-like animals lacking paired fins, and are the only living representatives of ancient creatures that gave rise to current sp …
Richard Beamish & Alexei Orlov: Jawless Fishes of the World
Hagfishes and lampreys, both examples of jawless fishes, are elongated, eel-like animals lacking paired fins, and are the only living representatives of ancient creatures that gave rise to current sp …