Autor: Richard E. Ford

Richard Ford is a graduate of the USCGA and a career Coast Guard officer, and among his experiences was becoming adept at celestial navigation–a time-honored practical application of astronomy. He has studied ancient architecture extensively for many years, where he identified numerous mathematical concepts and geometrical shapes that were reflections of a much large cosmic order. It was in this area of study that he grew to understand the importance of patterns in the cosmos. Over the years, as many before him, he developed a fascination with Plato’s Timaeus, which grew with time, until its relationship to the cosmic patterns he was studying gradually dawned on him. Much of what he had learned over several decades was also present in Timaeus and he decided that it was so important that he determined to understand the mathematical and geometric portions of the Timaeus text. As its detail began to emerge, he realized that not only was this work directly related to his own efforts, but it underlay all of it and, as Timaeus states, it is the foundational basis for all of creation.

6 Ebooks de Richard E. Ford

Richard E. (University of Illinois) Ford & agoljub D. Sutic: Handbook of Plant Virus Diseases
Handbook of Plant Virus Diseases presents basic information about viral-caused and viral-like diseases in many cultivated crops. It provides authoritative descriptive symptomatic signatures of virus …
Richard E. Ford: A Moving Image of Eternity
Plato’s Timaeus is the most comprehensive argument in history for a universe devised and created by God; yet, paradoxically, it is probably the least understood of all the creation stories. No doubt …
Richard E. Ford: A Dream of Death
The Great Flood was the worst catastrophe to ever a ict the human race; it nearly destroyed all life on Earth. It is an event that is universally remembered in religion, mythology and cultural lore w …
Richard E. Ford: A Girl Named Alabama
Alabama Valens is a pretty, young woman who is secure in the belief that she is in charge of her life—until a phone call from her brother brings her to the sudden realization that life can change abr …
Richard E. Ford: Comanche Warriors and Butterflies
Among the most enduring tales of the Old West is the story of John Parker and his sister, Cynthia Ann Parker, who were kidnapped by the Comanche in 1836 from Texas. Raised by their captors, they late …
Richard E. Ford: Deus Ordiri Fundamentum
There is a unifying Pattern that underlies much if not all of science, which manifests itself in the measures of dimension; i.e. time, distance, volume, mass, and of those measures that derive from t …