An Introduction to Young Children with Special Needs: Birth Through Age Eight is a comprehensive introduction to educational policies, programs, practices, and services for future practitioners serving young children with delays or disabilities in early intervention-early childhood special education (EI-ECSE). Thoughtfully addressing the needs of children at risk for learning or development delays or disabilities, revered authors Richard M. Gargiulo and Jennifer L. Kilgo offer evidence-based interventions and instructional techniques that provide students with a broad understanding of important theoretical and philosophical foundations, including evidence-based decision making, developmentally appropriate practices, cultural responsiveness, and activity-based intervention. The Fifth Edition includes the latest developments in and influences on the field of early intervention and early childhood special education, including the Division for Early Childhood’s (DEC)Recommended Practices, which are infused throughout the text. With the support of this current and innovative book, readers will gain a firm understanding of the complex field of EI-ECSE to assist them in their future study and careers.
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Tabla de materias
About the Authors
Part 1: Perspectives, Policies, and Practices of Early Childhood Special Education
Chapter 1: Foundations of Early Childhood Special Education
The Origins of Early Childhood Special Education
The Development of Special Education: Historical Perspectives on Children with Delays or Disabilities
Compensatory Education Programs
Chapter 2: The Context of Early Childhood Special Education
Definitions and Terminology
Litigation and Legislation Affecting Children with Delays or Disabilities
Prevalence of Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
The Importance of Early Intervention/Education
An Ecological Perspective on Young Children with Delays or Disabilities and Their Families
Chapter 3: Family-Centered Approach to Early Childhood Special Education
Historical and Legal Perspectives
The Changing American Family
Family Reactions to Young Children With Delays or Disabilities
Family Systems Theory
Applications of Family Systems Theory
A Family-Centered Philosophy
Family–Professional Partnerships
Key Components of Family–Professional Collaboration
Chapter 4: Delivering Services to Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Inclusive Learning Environments
Service Delivery Models
Professional Teaming and Collaboration
Cooperative Teaching
Delivering Individualized Services
PART 2: Assessment and Planning for Young Children With Delays or Disabilities
Chapter 5: Assessment of Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Overview of Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education
Guidelines in the Assessment of Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Assessment Purposes and Processes in Early Childhood Special Education
Screening Young Children
Determining Eligibility for Early Childhood Special Education Services
Assessment for Individual Program Planning and Implementation
Progress Monitoring and Program Evaluation
Chapter 6: Curriculum for Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Overview of Curriculum
Interrelated Developmental Domains and Content Areas of the Curriculum
Theoretical Influences on Curriculum Development
Curriculum Models
Historical and Legislative Influences on Curriculum
The Influences of General Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education Recommended Practices on Curriculum
The Relevance and Sufficiency of Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Children With Delays or Disabilities
Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Special Education
Part 3: Organization and Intervention for Young Children With Delays or Disabilities
Chapter 7: Designing Learning Environments for Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Organizing the Learning Environment
Creating Activity Areas or Learning Centers
Outdoor Learning Environments
Designing the Learning Environment
Selecting Learning Materials
Chapter 8: Adapting Learning Environments for Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Young Children with Cognitive Delays or Disabilities
Young Children with Social and Emotional Delays or Disabilities
Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Young Children with Communication and Language Delays or Disabilities
Young Children with Sensory Impairments: Vision
Young Children with Sensory Impairments: Hearing
Young Children with Physical Delays or Disabilities and Health Impairments
Chapter 9: Intervention and Instructional Strategies for Supporting Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Practices and Processes Appropriate for Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Teacher-Mediated Strategies
Peer-Mediated Strategies
Routine-Based Strategies
Specific Naturalistic (Milieu) Strategies
Part 4: Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Early Childhood Special Education
Chapter 10: Emerging Issues and Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Special Education
Celebrating Cultural Diversity
Emerging Populations of Young Children with Delays or Disabilities
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Special Education
English Glossary
Glosario (Spanish Glossary)
Sobre el autor
Personal experience and unforeseen opportunities led me to a career in early intervention and early childhood special education (EI/ECSE). When I was a young child, my sibling was born with multiple medical complications and died shortly after birth. This tragic event sparked my interest in early childhood disabilities and set me on a path toward a career in EI/ECSE. While I was studying psychology as an undergraduate, Congress passed Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, which provided services for children with developmental delays and disabilities. This legislation opened new opportunities for me and solidified my passion for improving opportunities for infants and young children with delays and disabilities, as well as their families. I have pursued this passion in higher education. Currently, I am a professor of early intervention/early childhood special education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). I hold a BS in psychology from Auburn University; teacher certification in general early childhood education; an MA in special education and certification in administration from UAB; and a doctoral degree in EI/ECSE from the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa). Prior to my appointment to the faculty at UAB, I taught at Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Hawaii. As a professor at UAB, I enjoy interprofessional teaching of graduate students representing a variety of disciplines (e.g., ECSE, physical therapy, occupational therapy) who are learning to collaboratively provide team-based services to young children with delays and disabilities and their families. My involvement in EI/ECSE has extended for many years. Before becoming a higher education faculty member, I provided direct services to young children with delays and disabilities and their families in various community agencies and school settings. Also, I worked as a teacher at an EI/ECSE program at the University of Alabama, the RISE Center. My experience with young children and their families has informed my ability to teach others, as well as my interest in various scholarly activities. My involvement at the state and national/international levels in service, scholarship, and personnel preparation activities has been a highlight of my career. For example, my leadership positions have included serving as the president of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Additionally, I have been a member of the editorial review board for leading national journals, served as the principal investigator of numerous federally funded grants, and delivered presentations at conferences throughout the country. My research has focused on teamwork and interprofessional education. Through a series of federally funded grants spanning more than 25 years at UAB, my work has focused on teaming and collaboration as professionals representing multiple disciplines learn to work as members of transdisciplinary teams in early intervention and early childhood special education throughout the community. Collaboration with community partners is central to the success of my career. The recognition and accolades I have been fortunate to receive have primarily highlighted my dedication to teaching and my collaborative endeavors. In 2013, I received th