This sixth edition provides a step-by-step guide to using counselling and helping skills with confidence and proficiency. The author′s three-stage model of counselling – relating, understanding and changing - is designed to facilitate developing lifeskills in clients and to help them to change how they feel, think, communicate and act.
It includes new chapters on ′Technology mediated counselling and helping′, with updated research and references throughout.
Using practical activities and case examples, the book takes you beyond the basics to more advanced skills, making it an essential companion for all counselling skills courses.
Richard Nelson-Jones has many years′ experience as a counsellor, trainer and psychotherapist. His books have helped train thousands of counsellors and helpers worldwide. He is a Fellow of the British and Australian Psychological Societies and of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Tabla de materias
What is counselling and helping?
Create communication skills and feelings
Create mind skills
The lifeskills counselling model
Pre-counselling contact
Listening skills
Show understanding skills
Start the counselling and helping process
Clarify problems skills
Assess feelings and physical reactions
Assess thinking
Assess communication and actions
Agree on a shared definition of problems
Plan interventions
Deliver interventions
Interventions for thinking – 1
Interventions for thinking – 2
Interventions for communication and actions – 1
Interventions for communication and actions – 2
Interventions for feelings
Negotiate homework
Conduct middle sessions
End and assist client self-helping
Relaxation Interventions
Multicultural counselling and helping
Gender-aware counselling and helping
Technology mediated counselling and helping – Jane Evans
Positive counselling and helping
Ethics in practice and training
Personal Counselling and Continued Professional Development
Sobre el autor
Richard Nelson-Jones was born in London in 1936. Having spent five years in California as a Second World War refugee, he returned in the 1960s to obtain a Masters and Ph.D from Stanford University. In 1970, he was appointed a lecturer in the Department of Education at the University of Aston to establish a Diploma in Counselling in Educational Settings, which started enrolling students in 1971. During the 1970s, he was helped by having three Fulbright Professors from the United States, each for a year, who both taught students and improved his skills. During this period he broadened out from a predominantly client-centred orientation to becoming much more cognitive-behavioural. He also wrote numerous articles and the first edition of what is now The Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy, which was published in 1982. In addition, he chaired the British Psychological Society′s Working Party on Counselling and, in1982, became the first chairperson of the BPS Counselling Psychology Section.
In 1984, he took up a position as a counselling and later counselling psychology trainer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, where he became an Associate Professor. He continued writing research articles, articles on professional issues and books, which were published in London and Sydney. As when he worked at Aston University, he also counselled clients to keep up his skills. In 1997, he retired from RMIT and moved to Chiang Mai in Thailand. There, as well as doing some counselling and teaching, he has continued as an author of counselling and counselling psychology textbooks. A British and Australian citizen, he now divides his time between Chiang Mai and London and regularly visits Australia.