A poetry collection featuring the best lyrical works from American writer Robert E. Howard.
This poetry collection features the best of Robert E. Howard’s work. The American writer is known for his marvellous pulp fiction and is often referred to as the father of the sword and sorcery genre. His poetry, though lesser known than his fiction, reflects the heavy influence that the American frontier had on his life and writing. His traditional lyrical style is coupled with themes of existentialism and often violence, reflecting the writer’s lifelong struggle with his mental health.
Tabla de materias
Adventure; Adventurer; The Alamo; Always Comes Evening; Ambition; An American; An American Epic; At the Bazaar; Aw Come on and Fight!; Babek; But the Hills Were Ancient Then; The Choir Girl; Crete; Dead Man’s Hate; Deeps; Dreamer; Dreaming on Downs; DReams of Nineveh; Easter Island; Empire’s Destiny; Eternity; Fables for Little Folk; Fear Air Muir Lionadhi Gealach Buidhe Mar Or; Flaming Marble; Forbidden Magic; The Gates of Nineveh; Girl; A Great Man Speaks; The Harp of Alfred; Illusion; Ivory in the Night; Jack Dempsey; John L. Sullivan; Kid Lavigne is Dead; The Kissing of Sal Snooboo; A Lady’s Chamber; Laughter; Lesbia; Libertine; Life; Lines to G. B. Shaw; Lust; The Maiden of Kercheezer; Miser’s Gold; Monarchs; Moon Mockery; The Moor Ghost; The Mountains of California; Nun; Ocean-Thoughts; The One in Black Stain; One Blood Strain; One Who Comes at Eventide; Poet; Private Magrath of the A.E.F.; Prude; Rebellion; Red Thunder; Repentance; The Riders of Babylon; The Ride of Falume; The Robes of the Righteous; A Roman LAdy; Romance; Roundelay of the Roughneck; Rules of Etiquette; Sailor; The Sands of Time; The Sea; Secrets; Serpent; Shadow of Dreams; Skulls and Dust; The SKull in the Clouds; Solomon Kane’s Homecoming; A Song of Cheer; The Song of Bats; Sonora to Del Rio; Surrender; Tarantella; The Tempter; Tides; To a Woman; To the Contended; Toper; A Tribute to the Sportsmanship of the Fans; Visions; The Voices Waken Memory; The Weakling; A sappe ther wos and that crumble manne; After the trumps are sounded; Against the blood red moon a tower stands; All the crowd; And Dempsey climbed into the ring and crowd; Hills of the North! Lavender hills…; Match a toad with a far-winged hawk; Mingle my dust with the burning brand; Moonlight and shadows barred the land…; Old Faro Bill was a man of might…; Rebel souls from the falling dark…; Scarlet and gold are the stars tonight…; Swords glimmered up the pass…; The spiders of weariness come on me…; There were three lads who went their destined ways…; There’s an isle far away on the breast of the sea…; We are the duckers of crosses…