Ten year old Edward lives with a group of boys in welfare housing that is badly supervised. He is attacked, abused and is only saved from a certain life of crime by a teacher who adopts him and takes him under his wing.
But the community doesnt accept a man adopting a boy and they are both hounded until they make a run for freedom.
An adventure story that explores the relationship between males and the fight for the right to a normal life by a little boy and his grown up mentor.
Sobre el autor
Robert lived in a house of boys. Orphaned at eight, he won a position in an academic high school. But he was attacked and belted by the bully teachers and ran away to become a street kid where he learned to exist in the world of hunger and fighting.
Returning to his family of four brothers he grew up with a male view of everything, including love. At 18 he joined the Airforce as a photographer and travelled Australia until he left at twenty five to study Music at university.
The life as a High school teacher, where he got his own back on bully teachers, provided him with a good background on boys, their attitude to life and society.
Robert, himself a quiet, family man, enjoys writing in the style of these lost kids, something he feels he knows all about…. Been there… Done that.