Autor: Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Irina Nicula, Alexandru Nicolae, Louise Esher Gabriela Pana Dindelegan

Gabriela Pană Dindelegan is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at the University of Bucharest, and a Senior Researcher at «Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti» Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy. She is the editor and co-author of Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010) and The Grammar of Romanian (2013), and is one of the co-authors of Gramatica limbii române (2005) [The Academic Grammar of Romanian].Rodica Zafiu is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Bucharest, and Researcher at «Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti» Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy. She is the author of Naraţiune şi poezie (2000), Diversitate stilistică în româna actuală (2001), Limbaj şi politică (2007), and 101 cuvinte argotice (2010), and is one of the co-authors of Gramatica limbii române (2005), Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010), and The Grammar of Romanian (2013).Adina Dragomirescu is a Researcher at «Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti» Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy, and Lecturer in Romanian Linguistics at the University of Bucharest. She is one of the co-authors of Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010) and The Grammar of Romanian (2013), and the author of Ergativitatea. Tipologie, sintaxă, semantică (2010) and Particularităţi sintactice ale limbii române în context romanic. Supinul (2013).Alexandru Nicolae is a Researcher at «Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti» Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy, and a Teaching Assistant in Romanian Language and Linguistics at the University of Bucharest. He is one of the co-authors of Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010) and The Grammar of Romanian (2013), and is also the co-author of 101 Greşeli de lexic şi de semantică: Cuvinte şi sensuri în mişcare (2010).Irina Nicula is a Researcher at «Iorgu Iordan—Alexandru Rosetti» Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy, and a Teaching Assistant in Romanian Language and Linguistics at the University of Bucharest. She is one of the co-authors of The Grammar of Romanian (2013) and the author of Modalități de exprimare a percepțiilor fizice. Verbele de percepție în limba română (2012).Louise Esher is a Junior Research Fellow in Modern Languages at St John»s College, University of Oxford. She is currently working on the relationship between autonomous morphology and extramorphological factors in the history of Romance verb conjugation.

1 Ebooks de Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Irina Nicula, Alexandru Nicolae, Louise Esher Gabriela Pana Dindelegan

Gabriela Pana Dindelegan & Adina Dragomirescu: Diachronic Variation in Romanian
This volume represents the first work published in English dealing with the historical grammar of Romanian from a modern theoretical perspective. It consists of a selection of papers focusing on the …