Many people assume that science ‘disproves’ the idea of God, and that we no longer need faith in order to understand the world or why we are in it.
Roger Trigg examines these assumptions and considers whether recent developments in science may in fact support religious faith. He goes on to consider the increasing scientific evidence for the inherent orderliness and comprehensibility of the universe, which leads him to ask an even more radical question: Might there be aspects of religious belief that can help to support our science?
1. Does science disprove God?
2. Are science and religion just different?
3. Could science support Christianity?
4. Does science need Christianity?
Tabla de materias
1. Does science disprove God?
2. Are science and religion just different?
3. Could science support Christianity?
4. Does science need Christianity?
Sobre el autor
Roger Trigg is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick, Senior Research Fellow at the Ian Ramsey Centre, University of Oxford, and a Fellow of International Society for Science and Religion. His latest book is Beyond Matter: Why Science Needs Metaphysics (Templeton Press, 2015). He is also joint editor, with Justin Barrett, of The Roots of Religion: Exploring the Cognitive Science of Religion (Routledge, 2014).