Autor: Roy Ripzaad


4 Ebooks de Roy Ripzaad

Roy Ripzaad: Wet op de Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdiensten. Compromitteren van constitutionele rechten of bijdragen aan collectieve veiligheid?
Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Politics – Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security, grade: 7, 0, Utrecht University, course: De Historisering van Veiligheid, language: Dutch; Flemish, abstract: O …
Roy Ripzaad: Wisseling van de Macht. Hoe Brabant haar Gouden Eeuw verloor aan Holland tussen 1568-1648
Essay from the year 2017 in the subject History – Miscellaneous, grade: 8, 0, Utrecht University, course: Vroegmoderne Geschiedenis, language: Dutch; Flemish, abstract: De Noordelijke Nederlanden won …
Roy Ripzaad: French Humanitarian Aid. Protecting Minorities and Implementing Imperialism in the Ottoman Empire in the Nineteenth Century
Essay from the year 2018 in the subject History – Miscellaneous, grade: 7, 0, Utrecht University (Geesteswetenschappen), course: European Imperialism in the Middle East, language: English, abstract: …
Roy Ripzaad: Medz Yeghern. De rol van Pan-Turkisme en gewapende actoren in de Armeense genocide
Essay from the year 2018 in the subject World History – Modern History, grade: 7, 5, Utrecht University, course: Soldaten, Guerilla’s & Terroristen, language: Dutch; Flemish, abstract: ‘De geschieden …