Building Up the Church: Live Experiments in Faith, Hope, and Love, the companion volume to Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove’s book, New Monasticism: What It Has to Say to Today’s Church (2008), is a practical study guide to invite the church to imagine that ‘another ways is possible’ as it lives into its identity as ‘God’s peculiar people’ (Titus 2:14). Its stories, reflection questions, and suggested exercises are designed to catalyze local churches and Christian communities into becoming ‘laboratories for the gospel kingdom’–that is, communities that serve the living God and their neighbors by carrying out experiments in faith, hope, and love.
Sobre el autor
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove lives with his wife, Leah, and other friends at the Rutba House, a new monastic community of hospitality, peacemaking, and discipleship in Durham, North Carolina. (