Revisits the Traditional Yaraldi ‘Miwi (Soul)Healing. The concerns regarding the Sociological issues cover the Two-Way Cultural effect on her great-grandads forced assimilation story. The human development stages of the two cultures are compared, with highlights on a court case and Royal Commission in South Australia 1995, involving Hindmarsh Island.
Traditional Women’s Healing and dreaming were demeaned, and not recognized.
Sandy investigates the Ancestral power and linked it with the Westminster Law, and Letter of Patent, using provisions of the S.A. Act in 1834 to establish the Province of South Australia.
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Sandy Ross. The great great grand-daughter of Louisa Ngewatainindjeri, who was a respected Yaraldi elder, healer, and advocate for her people.
Sandy followed the same path, bringing to attention the effects of the ‘Feminine’ womens business, in the areas of lost respect, traditional healing knowledge, and communal breakdown. Alternate skills and life style EQ knowledge and other resources are highlighted to bring in a more balanced thought process, relating to integration, while pointing out why reconciliation has’nt worked.