This book provides select proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2022). It covers the latest research in the fields of mechanics and mechanical engineering. Various topics covered in this book are engineering design, machinery and machine elements, mechanical structures and stress analysis, automotive engineering, engine technology, aerospace technology and astronautics, mechanical intelligent control and robotics, mechatronics, dynamical systems and control, fluid mechanics, industrial manufacturing and applied mechanics. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals working in the various fields of mechanical engineering.
Tabla de materias
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Elastic Robotic Arms.- Influence of the Modulus of Elasticity of the Jointed Material and Interlayers in Nodes with an Interlayer with a High TCLE.- Research on Imaging Method of Missile-borne Infrared Lateral Window Adapting to Deflection Light Path with Large Incident Angle.- Study on the Characteristics of Rollover Injury of Passenger on the Passenger Side of an Off-road Vehicle.- Study on the Failure Mechanism and Reliability of Silicon Aluminium Alloy under Impact Loading.- Analysis of Prefabricated Fragment Intrusion Damage Based on Complete Restart Technique.- Research on Topology Optimization Methods for Continuum Structures.- Flexible Thermal Invisibility Cloak with Meta-structures: Design and Fabrication.- Study on Interface and Joint Properties of Aluminum Alloy by High Power Ultrasonic Welding.- Mechanism of Collision and Adhesion Between Adhesive Impact Ball and Spacecraft.
Sobre el autor
Dr. Sanjay Yadav born in 1962, obtained his master degree in science (M.Sc.) in 1985 and Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1990. Presently, he is Chief Scientist and Head, Physico Mechanical Metrology Division of NPL. In addition, he is also holding the post of Professor, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (Ac SIR), HRDG, Ghaziabad teaching ‘Advanced Measurement Techniques & Metrology’ course, taking practical classes and supervising graduate, master and Ph.D. students since 2011. He is the recipient of research scholarships from Ministry of Home Affairs, India (1986); CSIR, India (1988); Col. G.N. Bajpayee Award of Institution of Engineers, India (1989); Commendation Certificates from Haryana Government (1991 & 1992); JICA Fellowship of JAPAN (1998), Commendation Certificates from SASO, Saudi Arabia (2003); 3 Appreciation Certificates from Director, NPL (2005); Managing Editor, MAPAN (2006-2014); nominated as Member of APMP Technical Committee of Mass Related Quantities (TCM), Australia (2013-2019); Nominated as Country Representative in APMP, China (2019); Vice President, Metrology Society of India (2020); Member, National Advisory Committee, NCERT, Delhi (2019); Members, Testing and Calibration Advisory Committee, BIS (2019, 2020 and 2021), and very recently received a prestigious International award i.e. APMP Award for Developing Economies, China (2020). He is working as the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the MAPAN: The Journal of Metrology Society of India. He has significantly contributed in the field of pressure metrology, biomedical instrumentation, ultrasonic transducers and instrumentation systems. His current research interests include research and developmental activities in physico mechanical measurements; establishment, realization, maintenance and up-gradation of national pressure and vacuum standards; dissemination of national practical pressure scale to users through apex level calibration, training and consultancy services; inter-laboratory comparisons, proficiency testing programme and key comparisons, implementation of Quality System in the laboratory as per ISO/IEC 17025 standard and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Monte Carlo Simulations for pressure balances. He has more than 350 research publications to his credit, published in the national and international journals of repute and conferences besides contributing in several books as editor and author, published by Springer and MSI as well as in drafting several project, scientific and technical reports, documents and policy papers.
Dr. Harish Kumar is currently working as Associate Professor at the National Institute of Technology, Delhi. With more than 17 years of research and academic experience, he is Active Researcher in the area of mechanical measurement and metrology. He served as Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory, India, for more than a decade, and as Guest Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, in 2016. He has authored more than 90 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is Active Reviewer for many prominent journals on measurement, metrology, and related areas and is Associate Editor of the MAPAN/Journal of Metrology Society of India, published by Springer.
Dr. Meher Wan is a scientist at CSIR- National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research, New Delhi. He did his Ph D from University of Allahabad and was an Institute-post doctoral fellow at IIT-Kharagpur. He has been actively involved in setting up Micro/Nano-Robotics and Fabrication Facility at Advanced Technology Development Centre, Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, which has a semi-clean room environment. He had been helping in making the design of facility, from pre-installation preparations to installations of sophisticated instruments. He has expertise in electron microscopy, micro-nano-fabrication technologies like Focused Ion Beam lithography, Electron beam lithography and Two photon polymerization based 3D lithography etc including micro-robotic manipulation. He is an associate Editor: Science Reporter (Popular Science Magazine), Scientific Editor: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IJPAP), former editor: Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science (IJEMS). He has written/translated several books including “Takniki Yug me Adwitiy Pahchan” on ambitious project of AADHAR which was released by Hon. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in 2012. He has translated the a few books from English and Bangla languages in to Hindi.
Pawan Kumar Arora is a Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, in 2014. With 22 years of academic experience, his main research areas are industrial engineering and optimization and manufacturing. Dr. Arora has published more than 50 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He has also contributed several book chapters in different books. He has also served as editor to Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies (Springer), Material Todays: Proceedings.
Dr. Yusri Yusof is Professor in the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). He has a Ph D in Manufacturing, which he obtained from the University of Loughborough, United Kingdom in the year 2007. Dr. Yusri has had over 22 years’ experience of teaching in higher education. Dr Yusri has been invited 30 times as Keynote speaker local and International Conference and also served as International Committee almost 50 conferences in his area for the last 5 years. Dr. Yusri has multidisciplinary research interests and his main areas of research are CAD/CAM and STEP-NC. He has published more than 50 international technical papers, mainly in CAD/CAM and advanced manufacturing. Dr. Yusri lead about 20 grant research project involved almost RM2 million under Sciencefund (MOSTI), Prototype Research Grant (PRGS), Fundamental Research Grant (FRGS) and Internal Research Fund under Intelligent Manufacture for STEP-NC Compliant Machining projects. He has served as the Editorial Board of the International Journals and currently involved in several international bodies such as, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Senior member of the Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI), The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Scientific and Technical Committees, editorial & reviewers boards on Natural and Applied Sciences and Senior member of the International Association of Engineering Technology (IAET).